Langour: the state or feeling, often pleasant, of tiredness or inertia. (Also can mean an oppressive stillness of the air.)
Oh hey, this is my first time ever discovering this thread! ?
Bildungsroman: “a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist.”
(Why are there so many Owl City lines on here and why is this funny to me)
Another podcast episode: this one is a discussion about the Marvel Cinematic Universe (excluding the shows) this far. Not really a professional critique of the films or anything like that, basically just an excuse to talk about Marvel after I finally got to see Infinity War. ?
Most of you have probably already seen this by now, but here’s my most recent podcast episode. It’s a “review” of Solo: A Star Wars Story from myself and my good friend/fellow writer on The Elven Padawan, Audrey.
Josiah that’s horrible. You are a terrible person.
I could always take up the position of Ambassador to Nonhuman Entities if there is no one in this portion already… And of course the title could be ammendes; “Nonhuman Species” is certainly an option as well, though I feel like there should be something to distinguish my role as ambassador to the specifically contious, independent beings of the universe, and not necessarily including the turtles I often save from certain smushing on our country road.
Everyone else’s ideas are fantastic as well! I shall certainly continue to consider all of these options in order to make the most informed choice.
If I had more wigs than I knew what to do with…
I have thrown my hat in the ring… Yes, pun INTENDED.
I, however, have absolutely no idea what title to suggest for myself… so I defer back to Mr. Ross for suggestions.
Duh duh duh DUH DA, DUH DUH DUH *DUH* DA
It’s another *night* of the living *dead*, like a viper *bite* in a spider *web*.
Happy 100th Birthday to the Captain!!!!
And if you find my body pale and wrecked upon the lonely shale, rejoice my love and call me blessed……
(Sorry, I audibly squealed when I saw a line from this further up)
DScott: hey, that certainly counts, tho! XD
Potato: Thanks! (Oh, and thanks for that heads up! Cosplay is kinda addictive, so I guess it could be considered a drug… But I’ll make sure to avoid that emoji from now on, lol XD)
#thatmomentwhen same x2
#thatmomentwhen you remember that you originally wanted to say “#thatmomentwhen a new character takes his helmet off in a show and just happens to look like Legolas and have a name that is basically the acronym for Lord of the Rings.”
#thatmomentwhen your blasted Kindle autocorrect corrects “#thatmomentwhen” to “#thermometer”
No clue if anyone inhabits this thread anymore, or if anyone else here is my level of Star Wars need to have read the book Bloodline, but I just wrote a fanfic about it, so… Here ya go…
yesss, that should totally be it. XD
But, like… Will it still be the same??
Here is an article you all may enjoy:
Jeff Ross: well, I supposed the verification came with the creation of my Star Wars/LOTR fangirl-run blog. Also, my associates can speak for the validity of my fangirlishness. Besides, we don’t know that you’re truly a Jeff; you could, in fact, be a Reff. Usernames can be misleading in a variety of ways, and one can never be too careful when it comes to accepting their allusions as reality.
Also, I’m really curious to know what everyone else thought of the new season of ASoUE…
So has anyone else noticed how not-quiet the world of the Aux Cable podcast is at times? And I feel like we should really be concerned about what sides of the Organization Ryan and Matthew are on…