I am Phantom Groot of the Forum ? Hola Carrot
*composes opus of “wind instruments” (burps and farts) while killing it at work* #PhantomoftheForum
I am Groot
Desired to post as well
Actually had something to say
But now- I am Groot
I would like to point out that you both have forgotten to number your communications with 1)-4)
My mother’s name from my mother’s side.
That was the condition of my birth-do what I want. My
Mother was on her way to work and I said, “Wooooooah! NOT TODAY PATRICIA!!! NOT TODAY!!!”
Oh tasty pizza
How I love thee so much eh
Now I am gassy
I’m only on the cusp of the acscrew; I get slightly more input with little authority. Basically like the Queen of England. Being a spy could be jolly good fun I say! Hmmm!
*Feels horribly left out and has decided to boycott top hats in protest. Fedoras as well as they look like po’ man tophats*
2.5 hours later they are done recording their 45 min episode. This puts Ep 34’s ETA at around December 13th. 2018.
*said with slight disdain* ” yeah ok Ryan”
In case you missed it- 3 memes from the Carrot were just posted ? I am Groot
Awwww! Thanks kids! Love- Groot
I am Groot
I am Groot
I am Groot.
Breaking news- I am Groot
Pineapple is a topping!!!
I’m a young people at 28?? Thanks middle school youth group leading for keeping me young for the last 6years! Woot!
Look at me,
I will never pass for a perfect host, or a perfect kidnapper.
Can it be,
I’m not meant to hide the boys?
Now I see, that that’s all Mason thinks of me
And it kinda breaks my heart.
Why can’t you guys see that I do way more things?
Why aren’t my Instagram posts mentioned in your songs?
Somehow they’re not mentioned
Even though they take up most of my bathroom breaks
When will my contribution to the show get me a piece of the Patreon pie?
When will all the memes I post get me a piece of the Patreon pie?
I just had one of those unicorn drinks and I didn’t not like it but I didn’t love it. In short: I did not feel the magic and I did not taste the rainbow. I might have magical beetus now, though.
I like both… so I’m voting for Franklin
Josiah- I don’t have access to the email so I don’t see the no doubt amazing memes you send to us. Well…them. HINT HINT WINK WINK MOOSE BURD
I think there will be a face off as soon as they #bringbackfranklin to see who will be the janitor of the year
MY FACE IS A WORK OF POSITIVE NEGATIVITY THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! #stilldontknowwhofranklinisbutassoonashecomesbackhecanbethenewjanitor
Carrot how could you not be janitor of the year? As you have just made an example of this fact, you’re always making the most effort to clean up our grammatical errors! #bringbackfranklin #whointheworldisfranklin?