Author : Matthew

030: Bucket Lists, Vlogging Daily, and Procrastination

What crazy things do we want to do in our lives? Find out when we discuss and compare our bucket lists! We also give advice about vlogging daily and pro…cras…tinating. Question of the Week So, what’s on your bucket list? We want to know! Do you even have a bucket…

029: We Play a Game and Explain Canadian Bacon

We shake things up this week by playing a game! Of course, it’s a game of questions, because this is The Aux Cable. Then we answer a handful of questions, including “what is Canadian bacon called in Canada?”, “what words do Canadians pronounce differently?”, and “what are the coldest and…

Weekly Recommendations 04/22/17

Yeah, we missed last week. Let’s just move on, okay? 😛 I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Matthew Recommends… Left-Handed Toons (by right-handed people) So the idea behind this comic series is pretty straight forward. There are two right-handed artists, and they draw this comic series with their left…

028: Productivity, Being Creative, and More with JOSH TAYLOR

We have a pile of questions for this episode. Good thing Josh Taylor (from Blimey Cow) is here to answer them with us! In this episode, we cover a little bit of everything: How has Josh increased his productivity? How do you keep content interesting and fresh? How far in advance…

027: YouTube Video Ideas, Forming a Band, and Age Differences

Angie is wondering what her next YouTube video should be about. Also, we brainstorm ideas for forming a band and discuss significant age differences in relationships! All that and a fun new advertisement for you to listen to this week! On April 1st, some of you organised “Matthew and Ryan…

Weekly Recommendations 04/08/17

It’s that time again! The time when either Ryan or myself forgets to make a recommendation post on Friday, so we write it up on Saturday instead. 😉 Let’s jump in. Matthew Recommends… The Irrelevant Show! I have another podcast to share with you! The Irrelevant Show is a Canadian sketch comedy show…

026: Balancing Life with Sleep, Sickness, and Learning a New Language

Life’s busy. How do you get everything done and remember to sleep? Especially on top of when you get sick, and the second language you’re trying to learn? Answers to all of this, and more on this week’s edition of the Aux Cable! Join the online conversation in our NotForum,…

025: More Relationship Expertise and Avoiding Awkward Hallway Interactions

So what exactly makes a good, healthy relationship? What should you do when you accidentally call your friend the wrong name? And how do you avoid that awkward moment when you see someone you know at the end of a hallway? Ryan and Matthew are here to help you by…

Weekly Recommendations! 03/24/17

So, as I promised in episode 024, I’m kicking off a new feature here on our website. I like to call it… Weekly Recs!! (That’s short for ‘recommendations’.) “What is this?” you might ask, with your German accent or otherwise. Great question! Every Friday – or most of them –…

020: We’ve Been Hijacked

Matthew and Ryan are strangely absent, having been replaced with… Angie and Sarah? Join the new hosts for one episode where things will be a bit different. Discuss this episode using the hashtag #FauxCable or #AuxCableShow. Contact us with your questions! Special thanks to Gabe Miller for our intro and outro music. Play…

The Aux Cable