1) How am I not being played by Chris Pratt
2) Where did you get The Rock from?
Sure, I guess.
Sorry, had to share both of those before I got out of 4G range for the next 6 days.
And then there’s this one that I just published on The Secret World Of Arrietty. https://youtu.be/NyP9oNUzzZg
So here’s last week’s video about why Baby Driver is awesome. https://youtu.be/XS-uKE09P4I
And then you’ve got this masterpiece which only exists as one performance at the 2014 Grammys: a Radioactive-MAAAD City mashup. They never made a studio version of this, but man was it beautiful while it lasted. Even CBS constantly cutting back to Taylor Swift’s painfully awkward dancing couldn’t ruin the atmosphere. The lyrics, the melody, the energy, everything mashed up perfectly and we’ll only be able to hear it on YouTube.
Is it just me or does it seem like the best versions of songs are never the ones that you can find on Spotify or iTunes? Like here’s the trailer remix of Way Down We Go (already a pretty solid song) that made Logan trailer 2 into the best trailer of 2017 so far.
Plot Twist: Josiah’s voice sounds exactly like Patrick Warburton
I totally understand scheduling issues and it would be wildly hypocritical of me to complain about an episode being late considering how wildly inconsistent my channel’s upload schedule is, I was just confused by how quiet they’ve been. Usually there’s a Twitter update or two or a post on the site when things get hectic. Just glad there wasn’t another kidnapping…
The review is online! I kinda-sorta answered Mason and Dawn’s questions in it.
I couldn’t help but sing the jingle in my head
What is it Carrot?
I get what you were going for, but yeah, I don’t know about that one…
Sorry, it took a while due to technical difficulties to get the Part 1 video up. Here it is.
So in the part one video (still going up tonight, I swear), I mentioned that the entire third act had to be rewritten because they ran out of time. There was another twist at the end that I’ll talk about more in detail and the actual ending didn’t hold on the emotional bit the entire way through. The ending was more about not letting indecisiveness rule you and the idea that problems don’t just go away with time; although I do like what they were going for with this ending.
As far as acting, I like what the main lead brought. I think given how difficult the whole playing two characters thing was, he did a solid job. I just wish he had gotten through his delivery quicker. So much of the mid-first and second acts rely on rolling through everything at an exhausting pace, not only so that everything could fit in under 10 minutes but also so that we can understand the fatigue that Sam is going through even before we hit the montage.
Take out your phone and text “Franklin’s not dead” to everyone in your contacts.
Just went back and read all of these, I forgot just how good Mason was at these.
John Cena emerged from an unseen location and snapped the Dragon’s neck.
Ironically, Dr. Dragon was then hit by a car.
Dr. Dragon forgot to take into account Baldemort’s deep disdain for chocolate milk and the cat refused to drink the mixture; in hindsight, he probably should have found out about this before pouring all of his Nightshade into the chocolate milk bowl.
J O H N C E N A !
*do do do do* *do do do do*
I have absolutely no idea where we are now, but we’re definitely not in the warehouse anymore.
Funny enough, the friend that I was initially eyeing to be my cohost (and also the guy that I would spend hours talking college football with) is a hardcore UCLA fan. He moved a couple of hours away and we both have pretty busy schedules, but I want to try and get him on the show as often as possible.
I just realized.
>”Old cartoons”
How Could This Happen To Me.mp3
The Power Rangers sat off to the side, wondering why they were brought into this story in the first place…
“ENOUGH!” screamed Nicholas Cage as he flipped a seemingly innocuous lever on the wall and the ground started to shake, “You want a reveal? I’LL SHOW YOU A REVEAL!”
Okay, that’s enough.
For now.