(I don’t understand music things like you do. I don’t get science or history stuff…some would call me simple. But I know how songs make me feel. It’s not something that can be described. I like listening to bohemian rhapsody because…it makes me smile. It’s weird and strange and imperfect…and I like that)
(Loud music = fun head banging to the point of headaches…plus I just love Queen and music from the 60s-90s)
(…I like it. I don’t need to justify it. If you don’t like it, that’s ok. I do. End of story) (don’t read that with hostility)
(It’s a classic rock song.)
I rode the city in a shopping cart with a pack of camels and a smoke alarm.
(My sister said that one)
(YOU’RE A VEGETABLE!!!!!!!!!!! and bohemian rhapsody is amazing)
(Mason, my brother told me to post that)
…carrot. you are useful more than just now
A beautiful heart, faithful and strong.
(Are you talking about bohemian rhapsody or bruno mars?)
I’d catch a grenade for ya
(I don’t get half the conversations on here. And YES MASON)
Don’t abuse my middle name
Also, feel free to give constructive criticism.
Camera: Nikon D3400
Editor: photoshop express (it was free)
I will be Freddy Krueger…because reasons.
Something absolutely terrifying:
Troy Bolton.
(Unless I’m completely out of the loop about something…I may be too old for this stuff. I honestly don’t understand half the things yall talk about)
I walk these empty streets…
(This could get insanely dangerous)
If they are hungry hungry they will kill and eat each other.
I’m with mason on this. #iStandwithMason
Wait…you didn’t list actors.
Don’t forget Taye Diggs (he’s in one movie I like…that yall shouldn’t watch)
It wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be (maybe because my boyfriend went with us…but I doubt that’s why)
So…Sams club…wait for it to die down…try to head to the Rocky Mountains since I’m so far from them.
I would probably die in 24 hours if we are being honest
So I think I would need an underground bunker as well. Because I doubt my group can kill off all the zombies in the world with just our supplies from Bass Pro Shop and Sams Club.
I have friends that are willing to make underground bunkers on their property in the woods (hypothetically speaking of course).
But…can natural elements kill zombies? How long would we have to wait? Would zombies take over the world? Am I better off staying at Sams Club or underground?
Would other countries bomb America to try to kill zombies?
…dang it, now I’m gonna be googling zombie stuff all day. Sorry for my random thoughts
I have more thoughts about this because I’ve been watching Doomsday Preppers.
But I haven’t had coffee, so…later
My little brother like MLP. My sister and I are taking him.
I have seen a few episodes. I haven’t seen the trailer for this movie, but I’m sure it won’t be as good as the episodes.
Lame new movie that Kristen will be forced to see on sunday:
My little pony.
Pray for me! (Watch me end up liking this!)
I crochet and knit and make paracord bracelets and draw and color. I love coloring. I write lame things. And I’m starting to get into photography.
Most specifically horror photography, but I have nobody who will allow me to make them scary :'(
Yeah, it was the latter.
“Slightly older generation”? Like early twenties?
Dude, Jeff, that was insanely beautifully written…yet still threw shade