There’s so much work to actually get unemployment. So I’ll probably just try really hard to get back into babysitting all the time
I could apply for unemployment.
Next year, I’ll be such a more experienced tax pro, that I’ll hopefully make more
Yes, so maybe $10
I think you just described a guy that works for the company (in a different office)
I need to be able to afford $20 a month. But I cannot. Maybe next tax season
Hopefully babysit a lot because that way I can keep money coming in
My manager is gonna laugh so hard
Yes, I got hired as year round (minus the 8 weeks where I get fired. So they don’t have to offer health care)
I also have to bring a snack to this party….I’m bringing cheese whiz
I have to go to an end of tax season party. I may pop in every so often, but it won’t be consistent…unless I’m super bored
I had platinum hair…in the last half or 2015, because I bleached it a lot. My hair us still trying to recover from it
I was platinum blonde, but between growing up and dying my hair all the time, it’s more like dirty blonde.
And I call everyone man and dude. And I correct people if they call me “dudette”
Dawn, I’m so blonde, man!! It’s insane!
Ryan doesn’t give me inside info. I can get Matt to tell me almost anything. I knew about the survey for…a week or so, but not the prizes
I would like a gift card.
But dude. Skype call. If i win…I probably won’t
Matt said the 17th (I asked)
When Matt first told me about it, I was all excited to fill it out and give feedback. But now there is a prize too!!
Aladdin is amazing!
We are fast lol
I can’t wait for AuxCon
You must watch all the Disney movies. I haven’t seen every single one. The less known ones don’t need watched
My voice is annoying. I’m annoying. I enjoy being annoying though.
How dare you
(My kitties are taking turns shoving each other off my bed lion King style)
I see that now.
Again, I’m bad at paying attention, but I somewhat remember that
#thatmomentwhen your kitties don’t smear their feces on you at night, and they almost sleep through the whole night!!
Also #thatmomentwhen you comment on the newest episode and nobody has replied to it, though you aren’t sure if they even should
Oooh. I’m bad at paying attention.
I don’t see any repeats by JFF
I’m so lost
Thanks, ami
I will watch it all probably tonight