(and ryan and matthew day)
**having last night…
Language is definitely what keeps me from it. *shrug*. Maybe some day, even if I’m not a rap person.
The technical difficulties I was having right now was not being able to get the clean versions to play. Probably copyright struck or something, idk…
I am present.
Yeah, I saw that… You know, I’ve been TRYING to avoid spoilers, I’ve even had self control not to watch any of the trailers (besides the initial teaser), but now the big reveal has been ruined… I’m so disappointed…
Even later, come.
Even now, come.
This deserves a standing ovation…
Hmm, that’s pretty interesting!…
Mission Accomplished…
A little more overproduced than I generally prefer, but still a pretty interesting track…
I want a kangaroo named Alan Rickman.
H E L P M E… this was number 1 on my YouTube recommendations page…
It’s just so incredible…
#thatmomentwhen I’m going to share a channel. Which is why it’s not going in Entertaining Videos.
This woman is a vlogger. Not necessarily a daily vlogger, and honestly, it’s not exactly a professional vlog either, since it’s all recorded by her phone. The thing is, she had a perfectly good reason for having 54,000 subs and not having the most professionals shots and audio…
She is blind. 100%, completely blind. I was going back, watching some of her videos last night, and I was so intrigued by them. It helps give a little insight into what and what not to do around blind people. And it gets kind of emotional at times as well. I think I find myself being drawn to this kind of thing more since taking ASL. I realized that a lot of people don’t know how to act or interact with folks with disabilities, and it makes me sad. But, enough waffling, here is the channel.
(The revival has begun…)
For Franklin – I’ve sent an audio clip of ‘Arms of Aux Cable’ to the AuxCableFans email account. Hopefully you still remember the login lol.
100% agree
That will be one of the last books I read this year, I’ll be reading it hand in hand with ‘1984’, to finish up my American History year…
You forgot? HO-…
Ah, yes, the original thread… Good memories…
Exploding out of the back of my mind is a dream
It is a dream that can be spoken, written, and sung
It is a dream that can be hated, cursed, and hung
My dream is hope
Hope for a new age of men and women
Who love other men and women simply because they exist
And because there is a God, somewhere out there
Who sees not what they’ve done, but who they are
They are children, they are beloved, and they are his
My dream is this hope, my hope is this dream
And to stand with or withstand this dream
Will make or break its existence far beyond the exploding walls of my own mind
– Josh Taylor (no, not that Josh Taylor. A different Josh Taylor.)
More of a “speech” than a poem, but oh well!
This guy is fun…
Everyone has a unique writing style here. Jeff is extravagant, Carrot is to the point, I like ellipses… It’s especially evident, as Carrot pointed out, in the Once Upon a Time entries… That’s also not a bad thing. It’s like a way to show personality over simple text on a screen. It’s just a matter of picking up little writing habits…