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  • #35757
    Jeff Ross

    I think that would give the production a better feel than the alternatives would, since we have so many people wanting to work on this project.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Hm, true. What segments could we have to make the podcast cohesive?

    Masøn M.

    Josiah – We answer absolutely no questions!
    Jeff – But we ask absolutely some questions.
    Franklin – And we… wait, you’re not Ryan and Matthew…
    Everyone – This week on the Aux Cable!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Okay, we should actually do that.

    Masøn M.

    There is a podcast, which I highly recommend, called the Segmented Podcast, which could be a good model. It’s basically the sequel to a podcast that Ryan was a guest on. It’s enjoyable, and quite well done.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Oh, is that the sequel to Nomich and Supertendoboy?

    Masøn M.

    Indeed it is!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I shall cease my listening to Pentatonix and go check that out…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Hmm… it’s still the same 2 people talking, though, so it has more continuity.


    So it’s like Who Would Build the Roads, only maybe not political?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    How so?


    The inside jokes carry over?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick


    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Random thought: we could divvy up Kristen’s questions into separate categories, with each person answering a different set of questions.

    Poulet Frit

    Do I get a say in any of the questions in the Kristen’s questions segment?
    Or…like at least get input from people that I’ve talked to off the forum because they know me really well.

    I’m all for Jeff writing and doing that segment…as long as it doesn’t make me look completely stupid…or is like a complete fabrication…

    However…I give you guys permission to roast me.


    I think Jeff wants you to write it.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yeah, I don’t know why you wouldn’t have say in it.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Also, aren’t you providing the questions?

    Jeff Ross

    I just finished recording a generic outro, so I have three audio files ready to be previewed and considered for inclusion into the final production.

    I think Franklin is 100% correct. I do want Kristen writing her own questions.

    You know, one way we could do it is have Kristen ask questions that everyone else answers (each person taking a question) if that would make it easier. Otherwise I’m completely fine reading questions that Kristen writes with no answers to them. (I’m still not sure whether we’re going the rhetorical route or the “Hopefully Matthew and Ryan answer these on a future episode” route or the “someone, anyone, answer these questions” route.)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yes, I think it would be simplest if for starters Kristen gives us several questions, and each audio participant answers one. I’m not sure what we want to do for other segments, but we will have at least that much planned.
    It might be fun to try to collaborate on an intro, outro, and commercial, but I’m not sure how feasible that is, so thank you for creating other options, Jeff!

    Poulet Frit

    Just let me know how many questions I need to give.

    …and I’ll give extra so there are choices

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Do you have 10 or 15 on hand? That should be plenty, I would think.

    Jeff Ross

    I’d suggest doing up to 16 now. 😀

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Haha yeah, that would work.

    Jeff Ross

    As for the Intro and Outro, a collaboration would be fun. Nevertheless, if you’d like I can post the transcript of my generic intro & outro so that you know what our backup plan is. (I’d suggest considering the intro and outro last on our production schedule, since those tend to be tailored to the main episode’s content [and what I’ve recorded already will probably work for anything we do; it’s that generic].)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yes, I agree. Sure, you can post them if you like.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    That should’ve been: “Sure, you can post them if you like (Yes, I agree).”

    Jeff Ross

    Mind you, these are transcripts rather than scripts, so they sound a little better than they’re written here:

    Coming up, in this episode: It’s the Aux Cable Holiday Special: Fan Edition!!! All the F.A.C.E.s have gotten together to put forth a brand new Aux Cable episode…all…by…them…selves! We’ll have to see how it turns out. This week, ON THE AUX CABLE!

    [Post-Theme Song Intro]
    Hello and welcome to the Aux Cable, the show where we get you plugged in to advice on everything! EVERYTHING! I’m Jeff Ross and I’m here as a representative of all the F.A.C.E.s (that is the Fanatical Aux Cable Enthusiasts) who have worked so hard to put this podcast episode together. We found out that Ryan and Matthew have very, very busy schedules; They aren’t just the hosts of this podcast. So because they have such busy schedules, we thought we would all put our combined talents together and put out an episode for them. So we hope you enjoy the show!

    And this concludes the Aux Cable Holiday Special: Fan Edition. The hashtag for this episode is “Aux Cable Fan”. That’s right, #auxcablefan for this episode. And we’d like to wish you a happy and safe and enjoyable holiday season. Whether that be Canadian Thanksgiving or American Thanksgiving or Black Friday or Hanukkah or Christmas or Boxing Day or New Year’s or the release of the 200th Episode of the Inner Tube or Epiphany, whatever holidays you’re celebrating this holiday season, we hope you have an excellent time celebrating them. My name is Jeff Ross; On behalf of all the F.A.C.E.s, we hope you stay tuned for the next episode of the Aux Cable and we hope you come and check out the Not-Forum on the website. That’s auxcableshow.com, check out the Not-Forum there. And check out all previous episodes of the Aux Cable while you’re there on the website. Feel free to go back and binge-listen to all of them. I know that Ryan and Matthew would not mind if you did that. Also, you can submit questions for future episodes (that we have been promised will come eventually). You can do that or e-mail them at questions@auxcableshow.com. That concludes this awesome, awesome podcast episode thankyouagainforeveryonewhohelpedmakeitpossiblewehopeyouhaveagreatdayokaybye!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Those will work excellently if we need them.


    Sounds pretty good to me.

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