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  • #35726
    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    So how are we structuring the episode and its production? We have multiple options…
    A. We script the entire thing and have people record their parts separately
    B. We do a Skype call or something and record in similar fashion to Ryan and Matthew
    C. Each person has their own segment and we edit them together afterwards
    D. Some combination of the above
    E. Something completely different

    Awkward Potato

    A and C sound like the same thing to me. If anyone wants to do a segment that involves a conversation, it would probably be easier to do it on Skype, but it would probably only be a few people at a time. I think if people have ideas that they want to do with a specific person, they could work out a Skype call or something, but if they wanted to do it alone they could script it and send it in to Franklin or whoever ends up editing.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    The main difference between A and C is that in A we could have conversations with each other, while C would be solo.
    I agree, though.

    Masøn M.

    T’would indeed be easy for most likely everyone to achieve A or C, for organization purposes and what not, the downside is it could end up sound raw and, well, scripted… Not being able to react to other people or anything like that could make for something stiff and boring… But I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate here…

    Poulet Frit

    I think doing each segment separately would be good…and if that segment required more than 1 person, skype.

    And Franklin can set up a completely new email for this…like…”AuxCableFans@gmail.com” or something. Something anonymous for him. And then if he ever needed to pass on editing to someone else, he just hands over the password.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yes, that’s the primary downside.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Hmm… is there a particular reason that you think we should do separate segments?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    (I don’t necessarily disagree, I’m just curious as to reasoning.)


    I can make an email, but just for reference, how would the password exchange hands?
    As for Josiah’s query, do you mean having the segments recorded separately?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yes, though some collaboration could happen I suppose.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    For reference, Google has a security feature that sometimes won’t let you log into an account if you are in a completely different location on a completely different device, so that could be problematic.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    The options I suggested are by no means the only ones, they were just the ones that had been suggested/I was thinking of. It’s very possible that something completely different would work better than any of them.

    Poulet Frit

    My reasoning for different recording.

    Skype calls are not 100% reliable.

    They are not great.

    Mass calls are the worst.

    That’s why. Though, I also wouldn’t be a part of it, so my opinion doesnt…matter


    I don’t know what type of stuff everyone would have to record with, but if audio could be recorded on a separate mic if Skype is used that would be helpful.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Your opinion is valuable, whether you’re actually recording anything or not. Thanks for clarifying.

    Yes, I agree. I might have access to a Zoom H1, but I’ll have to check with my sister.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    From Brooke (the website won’t let her post for some reason):
    I am fully supportive of talking about Phineas and Ferb, and I am indeed alto/soprano.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Also from Brooke:
    I’m willing to do whatever!!!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Dawn and Yeast have also both expressed interest, but I have not discussed the matter with them at length.


    We have to have them if we’re going to do a Dramatic Preview of ‘Once Upon A Time’. Also, what will become of Mason’s idea for a Josiah vs. Kristen rap battle?

    Jeff Ross

    I’m interjecting quickly to say that I have a Blue Yeti microphone and I may have just recorded the intro to the episode already. (Excluding the part that is consistent for every episode that Gabe Miller composed the music for. That part we may have to request the actual files from Ryan & Matthew for Franklin to edit in.) It’s a “generic” intro, but one that I think will work well for this project.

    Jeff Ross

    Also, I would like Kristen to write the “Kristen’s Questions” segment, even if I end up recording it.

    Masøn M.

    I wonder if Ryan or Matthew have read any of this intense plotting… I know it’s on their website and all, but… I wonder how they would react lol


    That reminds me. What are we going to do with it?

    Masøn M.

    Perhaps SoundCloud? Perhaps use the fan email to create a fan YouTube channel, where perhaps if this thing actually happens other things could be created, like the finished edit of Ryan Inevitably Saying All of the All-Star Lyrics?…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I’m fine with putting the rap battle on hold.
    I think we should wait until we know exactly what’s happening in the episode before we make a definitive intro…
    That seems reasonable.
    I have no idea.
    I was wondering the same thing. We have multiple options: A. Release it ourselves B. Ask Ryan and Matthew to release it C. Send it to Ryan, Matthew, and all the FACEs but not officially release it D. Something else.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Oh, that’s a good thought, Mason. Speaking of All-Star, I should mention this to Kumquat.

    Jeff Ross

    Why couldn’t we e-mail the website administrator and see if they wanted to post our production to the official Aux Cable website? (Once we have the finished product, of course.)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I believe the web admin is Matthew, for reference. That seems reasonable.

    Jeff Ross

    I have now recorded the “generic” material for right after the theme song that welcomes the listener to the episode. Hopefully we have some sort of transition sound effect that can distinguish between segments so that whatever follows what I just recorded doesn’t “blend in” by accident.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Alrighty, sounds good. Are we definitely doing segments then?

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