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Viewing 7 posts - 991 through 997 (of 997 total)
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  • #46948
    Jeff Ross

    That was a pretty good rest. Had some strange dreams… but that’s over now. Hopefully I didn’t sleep in tube late and miss out on anything.

    Jeff Ross

    [That random thought was a little funnier after reading the previous one… I posted it without realizing that it would begin a new page.]

    Jeff Ross

    Angie just messaged me out of the blue and said:
    “Please tell everyone and yourself that I wish them a happy birthday.”

    So here goes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EVERY F.A.C.E! ? – Groot

    [In case it was not explained on the Not-Forum, last year at some point on the Skype chat we decided that greeting people with “Happy Birthday” would be a good idea, as it would help us to not forget anyone’s birthdays. Therefore, the primary purpose of the above message is to greet everyone, not specifically to address any actual birthday.]

    Jeff Ross

    I’m curious how challenging it would be to keep workers safe in the event of a food factory explosion like the one outlined in this video:

    Jeff Ross

    A blessed Palm Sunday to all the F.A.C.E.s! ?

    Jeff Ross

    Hallelujah!!! Christ is Risen!!! Jesus is Alive!!! ???

    Happy Resurrection Day, everyone! ?

    Jeff Ross

    Tube years later, I did it! πŸ˜€ I made the 2:22am EST post on 2/22/22!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Viewing 7 posts - 991 through 997 (of 997 total)

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