Legend of Zelda

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  • #2416

    I’m an introvert so it really runs me down when I work outside the kitchen at Wendys. Be glad you don’t envy me πŸ˜›

    Poulet Frit

    One thin that I’m not looking forward to when it comes to starting college this fall is finals. Give me numbers all day long and I will rock it. But…I gotta take English classes. And English tests. And essays. And geez…that’s gonna be hard

    Poulet Frit

    I’m a shy extrovert. People I’m comfortable around know me as being loud, and then get confused when I’m around new people and can’t speak. It’s the hardest thing, because I feed off of talking to people, but I’m too nervous to talk to people, and when I do talk to new people, I feel like running away.


    For me, I actually aced English but struggled with Math, even though I like math better. I actually did a paper on Wind Waker/Wind Waker HD, though I forget the style of paper it was supposed to be. Maybe Persuasive? I forget.


    One on one convos I talk my head off on theories, Nintendo, technology, etc: but once there’s more than three, I start just listening and am very silent. I don’t know why I do that.


    But your position is much more unique. There’s a difference in needs of a shy introvert and a shy extrovert. But you’ll get used to talking to new people eventually. Hopefully faster than I.

    Poulet Frit

    Hopefully, not very many people like their taxes done by someone who doesn’t talk to them. I only ask the necessary questions and then do what I gotta do.
    I have to do a placement test right after tax season ends. And it includes an essay on the pros and cons of technology today…and I’m not looking forward to it. I can have a conversation with you about the pros and cons, but I see essays as all one sided and up to me…which means imma get a bad score.
    Now, I can write fiction all day long. I can write creepy murderous things all day long. But if you want me to rely on facts…nope can’t do it lol

    Poulet Frit

    I am gonna do online college, because I can’t stand people my age…that sounds less mean in my head. Plus, having been homeschooled, I got really used to chilling in my pjs…and with Baldy coming home May 1st…I will never wanna leave my room ever again.


    Yeah. Not me but a high school coworker who moved to Ohio from Texas told me he has no friends at his school here because pretty much all of them are on drugs or wacko. Its almost the same at my college.


    That moment when you find out your UPS package won’t arrive on Saturday thus your Nintendo Switch doesn’t come until Monday. However your Zelda game you remembered to put ONE day shipping for will be received Friday on launch day. But its useless without a console… and I had the whole weekend off.

    I hate Gamestop makes you check every item for One Day shipping cause I missed it for my Switch -.-

    Trying to remedy the situation out today best I can.

    Poulet Frit

    That would honestly make me so sad.

    I don’t get people my age. They are all out making bad decisions and I’m over here in my buzz lightyear onsies watching veggietales…and horror movies but we can ignore that. I’m the person that went and saw Moana like 3 times in theater. Like, why go make decisions that you will regret later, when you can go to the movie theater in your pjs and watch 3 movies back to back

    Poulet Frit

    Plus, if you don’t go out and spend all your money on drugs and alcohol etc, then you can have money to buy important things…like a house…or the switch…or a hairless cat in my case

    Poulet Frit

    (I won’t be on for 4.5 hours…I gotta work closing…)

    Poulet Frit

    Guys…I’m at work…bored. so I’m on Google images….looking at pictured of LoZ BotW…it’s so beautiful!! Those people that knock video games and gamers like…shut up its beautiful!!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Ouch. That’s rough Chris… hope you manage to sort that out successfully.

    Poulet Frit

    Did you get it worked out, chris?


    Seriously, I can just walk around in that game and be totally a happy hiker. Its pretty.

    And update for the current plan: be at a launch event and secure one of the few Switchs for sale for non pre order, then when my pre ordered console comes in, take it to GameStop for a refund.


    I already contacted the Gamestop by my work (Wendy’s) and they’ll have three for those who didn’t pre order.

    Poulet Frit

    You better camp out or something, Chris.


    I only work thursday morning, besides that I’m going into hunt mode. If I miss a midnight launch event, I’ll go to a store that didn’t early Friday morning. This is going to be fun. I’m already tired from lack of sleep πŸ˜›

    Poulet Frit

    I would imagine that it would be just as crazy as black friday…


    Pretty close I’d say. Hopefully since my local store is small, the crowd is small. I’m avoiding the one at the mall.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I hope you make it out alive…


    I probably won’t. The Switch is to DIE for…

    Poulet Frit

    Ummm…I’m worried about you chris.

    I’m also worried about me, why…maybe it’s because I’m naΓ―ve but like…I will be doing a guys return and he will be hitting on me and I mention (not subtly) that I’m 10 years younger than him…and he keeps hitting on me. And then gives me his number. WHY?? Like dude…that’s almost illegal!!! Stop please!!
    How do I stop this from happening??? I have to look professional for work…so I can’t just dress homeless. (It’s happened like…3 or 4 times all of the guys have been 10+ years older than me…the oldest being in his 50s…tho he was joking)


    That is so weird… I don’t get those people. I guess maybe because I’m not a woman’s man.

    Poulet Frit

    You don’t want those people, trust me. Because everyone that I do a return for gets a survey on me. And these guys that are a lot older than me hit on me. And I can’t do what I normally would do, because I want a good survey. But these guys can’t get the word “no” through their skulls.

    Poulet Frit

    So then I end up with a piece of paper that says “you are extremly cute. If you would like to hang out” and his number. And I’m left sitting here going “….you spelled extremely wrong, and I know about your entire life because I just did your taxes…you ain’t gonna be hanging out with me”

    Poulet Frit

    (I didn’t say that…but I thought it)


    Oh… That is a very good point. If only you could say that. πŸ™

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