Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda

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    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Good gravy, Chris! It took me almost a year to log 76 hours into Skyward… but I have limits to how much I’m supposed to be on screens every day.

    Poulet Frit

    Chris, there is a vote going on for biggest acs fan. Currently the FACEoff is me vs caleb packo, you should totally vote in these (you were nominated for a later FACEoff)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yeah! You’re up against Awkward Potato… you might just win… (not that I don’t believe in the powers of Awkward Potato)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Oh yeah, and I beat the Lakebed Temple!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Hey Chris, has this Blood Moon thing happened to you?


    Okay, I’ve missed a couple things in the past couple days (co worker died. Attended the funeral viewing last night). I got to look up the acs vote going on.

    And yep. In real life, I get the blood moon about every couple/few days. I like the implementation that adds to the lore.

    Poulet Frit

    Omg, I’m so sorry to hear about your co worker!!


    Its alright. I didn’t know her all that well. But still its a shocker. But that’s partly the reason why I’ve been pretty silent lately. So what exactly is this vote thing? I’m at work so I can’t dedicate to fully checking it out myself.


    I know Kristen you messaged me about it. But I was really busy Tuesday night literally scrubbing floors at Wendys to 1 am, lol. We tore up a whole brush cleaning the grout in the tiles (since people are pretty bad at mopping and we have inspections this week)

    Poulet Frit

    It’s just…like the play offs for superbowl.
    So the first one was me and caleb. (I won)
    Now it’s dawn and rex. And there is a list of more. You were nominated, but that will be in a few days.
    There is a different thread on the forum for voting. That’s about it. The rules are on the voting thread


    Okay, I’ll check it out real quick when I can.

    Poulet Frit

    And it’s fine. I’m slightly happy about you not telling caleb, because he could get people to vote for him….and I’m mean.


    And congrats!


    I actually haven’t talked to Caleb Packo yet… Unless he’s the Caleb I know (but I’m assuming Packo is the last name which I know isn’t the Caleb I know’s last name)

    Poulet Frit

    Yeah, packo.
    So even better, you couldn’t have even gotten to him!! (I’m very competitive)


    Nope, lol

    Poulet Frit

    Have you been doin’ good, otherwise?


    I wouldn’t say AWESOME! nor could I say UGH. More like EH *shoulder shrug*.

    Mostly just been work, school, and funeral. So far I’ve worked 30 hours already this week with another 25 to finish. Got homework to catch up on.

    But I’ve enjoyed Zelda obviously, and started watching Star vs. The Forces of Evil online. I’m kind of addicted to it now too. (Next up on my must watch radar is the new Power Rangers movie on the 24th and then Attack on Titan Season 2 on April 1st. After that I have no clue. Not a big tv/movie goer)

    Poulet Frit

    I got so angry at the power rangers trailer. Because I was at the movies, watching…whatever, and the trailer came on, and it looked FREAKIN EPIC and then it was like “power rangers” and we were like “WHAT EVEN”…so im not sure if I will watch it.
    I couldn’t imagine working 55 hours a week, I’m dying at 39. Love my job, but I’m dying. I can’t wait for April 18th (though, after that I may have a part time job doing taxes, but not full time until next tax season)
    I tricked my friend, ken, who HATES horror movies because he gets scared easily by them, into going to see Annabelle 2 with me as a late birthday present when it comes out august 11th. And sometime around my bday, he is going to come over and watch all of the conjuring/annabelle series. (So many horror movies are coming out 2017 and 2018)


    As long as the movie is better than Transformers, I’d say its a win. A lot of people don’t like reboots because they aren’t the old series… But I tend to love them as long as its done right with its story. They can change just about anything almost and I support it. I’ll definitely post my thoughts on Facebook when I see it.

    But you won’t get me to see a horror film. NO WAY.

    Masøn M.

    Kristen, the first time I saw the trailer in theaters (Which was the day after it was released), everyone in the theater was really intrigued by it. My entire line of friends were whispering to each other about how awesome and good it looked. And then… POWER RANGERS… The groan that went throughout the theater was hilarious… All the “WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!”‘s were shouted at the screen… It was awesome… I’m still not gonna see it, though… From the first trailer, I thought it might be okay, but all the recent trailers have had all the cheesy stuff I was hoping wouldn’t be there…

    Poulet Frit

    I could. I got ways to make people watch it. We would start lame. And then work our way to the movies that scare me. Sinister (fiction) and the conjuring/annabelle/the nun series (based on true stories)

    I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the movies. And I dislike transformers with a passion. But I tend to dislike all action movies.

    Poulet Frit

    Yeah, it was me, my sister, her friend, and Olivia I think. And we were like “what’s this” and then it said power Rangers and we were like “WHAT THE HECK!!” and my sister’s friend muttered something I cannot repeat under his breathe. I think I almost threw something. But everyone in the theater was like that

    Poulet Frit

    Breath** not breathe


    Interesting I heard the opposite at my theater, lol. So I found it odd when everyone was hearing the groan afterwards.

    But the movie does have a lot to prove. I’m going in for the nolstalgia (was a huge fan as a little kid) but for fun too. i’m not expecting to cry or anything. i’m going to call a 50% rating on Rotten Tomatoes now.


    I wonder what it would have been like if the movie was just called something else. Be an interesting mind experiment.

    Poulet Frit

    I was a little bit of a fan as a kid, but not a huge one. But as a child I was watching ncis, criminal minds, saw, etc, so I thought power rangers was cheesy…yet I loved spongebob. Makes no sense to me.

    And because you say you won’t watch a horror movie, makes me wanna get you to. I take it as a challenge. Might take a few years, but it’ll happen.


    You can try. Really, I just don’t like jump scares. An anime I’m watching now (Chaos; Child) has quite of bit of horror in it. Its disturbing, just not on the creepy level horror movies has.

    Poulet Frit

    I don’t like anime.
    And I just glare at jump scares. I don’t jump. Sometimes I laugh.
    Plus, watching it with someone is a lot better than watching it alone. There are some thriller movies that I refuse to watch alone. We would probably start with children of the corn, it’s extremely cheesy and stupid. (No offense to Stephen King), and then go to saw, which is more gore than jump scares. Eventually we would watch horror movies based on true stories and sinister. At some point along the way we would watch final destination. Which will not help with fears of flying at all. (By we, I mean this is what I did to get Olivia to love horror movies, and she loves them now, but she jumps and such)

    Poulet Frit

    The grudge. I might be that for Halloween (haven’t decided yet), that’s kinda creepy. The storyline at least. The forest is stupid. But had some jump scares. They are both in the middle between lame and great

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