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She speaks in haiku.
Parentheses are evil.
Dawn, I’m proud of you.
(Yes, it’s Matthew and another. Not me. Not yeast)
I should hope not Yeast!
We don’t condone lawlessness
In this community!
Granted, we do have
A guild of assassins and
A cult of TopHat…
(Umm… technically that’s not illegal anymore, Dawn. I’m not saying it’s right, because it’s not, but it’s not illegal. I was assuming that it was Yeast because the subject had been brought up before, but I am certainly fine with it being somebody else.)
(It’s a fake wedding as well. No actual wedding things. Just like a big catered party)
Dawn stared at Josiah
Twenty-three year old man
Wedding a minor
That’s illegal in
Every state, and Canada
Without permission
(Oh yeah, that’s a thing.)
Dawn continued on
In her quest. She wondered who
Converses within
The Facebook chat. Names
She knows? Names she does not know?
Questions pound within
(The subject came up at one point, and I think I figured out everybody. Hang on a sec.)
Dawn cried “I got it!”
The fake wedding is between
Matthew and Censored!
Dawn, satisfied, rests.
Never mind that she doesn’t
Know who Censored is.
(Haha, yeah.)
This thread used to be fun.
But it has been neglected.
Should we bring it back?
I believe we should
Like #bringbackfranklin
We will bring it back
I was hoping that
Manalive would stick around
But it seems he’s gone.
Where has the Man gone?
Is he even still Alive
Man Alive, who knows?
I believe that Smith
Is alive and will return…
Yes, he really will
But when exactly will he
Make his slick return?
Perhaps when the world
Is on fire and ending
Is when he will come
(That’s kinda makes him sound like he’s Jesus XD)
True, but we all know
Manalive is not Jesus
Close though he may be
Life has been quite mad.
I’ve not given up on you.
I am still right here.
Now that being said
Let us avoid heresy
Don’t compare to Christ.
Amen Manalive
I wholeheartedly agree.
Avoid heresy.
Is it heresy?
Could it be some blasphemy?
No, it’s JESUS-MAN!
Classic Blimey Cow
Though in now be unlisted
It’s impact remains
(I meant to write “Its”
In the previous Haiku
Pardon my mistake)
Unlisted it is
But unwatchable it’s not.
There is a playlist!
I did not know that
This existed. I thought t’was
a joke, but it’s real.
It is very good
It is very beautiful
It is Desmischous
Is it “Desmischous”?
That spelling seems quite German.
I’d say “Deshmicious”.
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