Reply To: Heyo I'm Super Chris

Reply To: Heyo I'm Super Chris

Home Forums The NOT-Forum Heyo I'm Super Chris Reply To: Heyo I'm Super Chris

Manalive Smith

Understood. I can’t say that it’s a very satisfying ending. I’m very happy that you have the darkness as a hero, but at the end we’re left suspended like a rock partway through a fall. I like that she’s scared, but I wish the Lone Survivor could do something more. Here’s my thought. She doesn’t look like a monster. She looks ordinary, she even keeps a regular work schedule, which makes her extraordinary and slightly more disturbing as a monster. Normal monsters live in the dark, in the case of vampires light literally burns them, trolls turn to stone at sunrise. She’s the opposite. She can only exist in the light. I can’t say I’m sure what exposure to darkness would do to her, but I want to see her streetlight flicker, and I want to see the fear in her eyes when it happens.

The Aux Cable