Reply To: Legend of Zelda

Reply To: Legend of Zelda

Home Forums The NOT-Forum Legend of Zelda Reply To: Legend of Zelda

Poulet Frit

I got so angry at the power rangers trailer. Because I was at the movies, watching…whatever, and the trailer came on, and it looked FREAKIN EPIC and then it was like “power rangers” and we were like “WHAT EVEN”…so im not sure if I will watch it.
I couldn’t imagine working 55 hours a week, I’m dying at 39. Love my job, but I’m dying. I can’t wait for April 18th (though, after that I may have a part time job doing taxes, but not full time until next tax season)
I tricked my friend, ken, who HATES horror movies because he gets scared easily by them, into going to see Annabelle 2 with me as a late birthday present when it comes out august 11th. And sometime around my bday, he is going to come over and watch all of the conjuring/annabelle series. (So many horror movies are coming out 2017 and 2018)

The Aux Cable