He’s a mechanic…I think he wants to be a welder. There was talk of the Marines at one point but I think he decided against that. Last I heard he’s going to get his inspector license and maybe learn welding.
He likes…working on his truck. Very few video games.
He works….50+ hours a week. So besides that he doesn’t have many hobbies. Hunting, fishing, paintball, going on dates with me, going to church…that’s about all he does
Grammar and punctuation never bother me…
Happy Friday!! (Also, I’m off today!!!)
Thanks. I slept good
It wasnt. My mom (the office manager) got me taco bell. But my sugar was low so I hate half of her lunch too.
I’m exhausted. 1 person yelled at me and another complained about me though I didn’t do anything wrong.
#thatmomentwhen you actually get sleep!!! (Which is good because you have appointments booked every 30 minutes today from 10am to 7pm)
I’ve been working and losing sleep and studying and losing more sleep.
Accounting is extremely different than tax preparer.
My sister is taking accounting and asking me to help her with depreciation and such. But it’s completely different than the depreciation we do at my work. So…not gonna become a CPA because I will get confused.
I have hinted at my age several times…and my state. Heck, recently I totally gave away my state. (Also, I miss my sweet 16. Life was so simple…)
I can rant all day long about the tax law being stupid and hurtful, but…it fascinates me.
1. I’ll try not to forget, I’m currently pumping my head full of tax law, so every other thought is mush. I’m sorry.
2. I’m 19. I graduated high school (homeschool) in June 2016. I took a year off of college which has turned into 2 years. I am starting college at a community college next year for an associate’s in business management (that way I can go to corporate in the company I’m working for).
In September 2016 I took the tax class (I’m not 100% OK saying my company just because I don’t wanna be held accountable if I then complain about said company on a public forum). I hated the tax class, but my mom said if I got a job I could get a hairless cat. So in January 2017 I started. About 3 weeks in I fell in love with tax law and filing returns and all the credits and deductions. I never could’ve saw it coming.
I was gonna wait til my birthday next year to give my age…so I could be like “happy birthday to me. I’m not longer a teen. Ladadadadadadaaaaaaa now I am twenty” but…I’m terrible at waiting.
I forget things easily. I would blame my hair color, but that’s not a good excuse.
I’m also tempted to congrate you again…but I won’t
Also…I have no issue stating my age anymore. But 18-21 is still accurate.
I need sleep…
I am flying twice next year (I’ve never flown) (technically 4 times. There and back. And somewhere else and back) but I’m doing nonstop, because I am the type of person that gets lost in Walmart
Things that would be nice:
Not having to work today (because I will probably have to make 100+ phone calls).
Some sweet tea.
More coffee.
I forgot he has a master’s
How do you know how much formal education we have all had?
You don’t even know my age!
I don’t like mountain dew. Have Birch Beer instead. 10/10 highly recommend.
I’m glad I can be funny for once
Potassium can be passive aggressive?
I’m sorry to hear that, I hope it passes quickly.
I agree with you being bass
…what would I be though?
Part of me wants to be like “I’m a harp because I’m elegant.” And another part of me is like “I’m more like a banjo if we are honest”
I am probably a mandolin now that I think of it
I don’t like tingle either
I’m a…idk.
Gangsta carrot is the best
Oxford comma is important…though in my mom’s highschool (and elementary and middle), it wasn’t taught. The college she went to, she only went to get her EMT certification, so they also didn’t teach the Oxford comma in those classes.
My favorite example of the importance of the Oxford comma may not be suitable for younger readers, proceed at your own risk.
I went to the White House to party with strippers, Obama and trump.
I went to the White House to party with strippers, Obama, and trump.
The first sentence implies that Trump and Obama are strippers. Use the Oxford comma to save yourself from mental images.
That’s my PSA for the day
Also…I wanna go to BG.
I’ve only been in Williamsburg for Busch Gardens
Oh cool!!!
*whispers* take me back with you!! Get me out of here!!!
I’m glad you are alive! I hope you make it to VA safe and sound
I get so neurotic about it