Welcome! – Start Here

Welcome! – Start Here

Home Forums The NOT-Forum Welcome! – Start Here

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  • #44329

    Greetings and welcome to our NOT-Forum!

    Feel free to join in our little community and discuss whatever topics you’d like to with other fans of The Aux Cable! We try to make this a safe space for everyone that wants to participate, so please be kind to everyone and keep it PG. 🙂

    If you have any concerns, feel free to contact us.


    Why is it called the “NOT-Forum? Well… as we explain in Episode 17, since we’ve been involved with managing forums in the past, we didn’t want to start and moderate another discussion forum. But our listeners are so amazing that we decided to start a forum… but not start a forum. Henceforth, we now have the NOT-Forum!


    Again, welcome to the madness! ;P


    Another note to prospective Not-forum members:
    We the FACEs have primarily moved to other mediums of communication (Skype, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), but don’t take the inactivity here as total abandonment of the Not-forum. If you wish to be involved in the community, simply choose a random thread and drop a comment. Weird people will appear out of the proverbial woodwork to greet you likely within 3-5 business hours (i.e. all hours; we stay up late). Who knows, you may even spark a revival.

    Comment and we’ll welcome you.

    Awkward Potato

    Also, if you’re new and want to tell us about yourself, our main introduction-y thread is the one called Heyo I’m Super Chris. You can be as vague or detailed as you’d like, but be safe with your information. Like Josiah said, we’ll welcome you. 🙂

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The Aux Cable