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  • #5478
    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I don’t believe I was the one that said it, if someone chooses not to disclose their last name, I have no intention of disclosing it. I won’t stalk you.

    Manalive Smith

    #thatmomentwhen You get home from work and want to check the not-forum, but realize you have to do laundry and save internet conversation as a reward for once you’re done. Then you put off doing your laundry for hours and by the time you get started you realize everyone else on the forum lives in different time zones and is already in bed. That’s sad. It’s made sadder because I still have to do my laundry.

    Poulet Frit

    #thatmomentwhen you actually tried to stay up late so you could talk to manalive, but passed out somewhere around 1030est, and you vaguely remember your sister waking you up asking a weird question about my employee id number, but you aren’t quite sure if it’s a dream or not.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen you are getting hungry.

    Manalive Smith

    Once I had a dream there was a tarantula crawling on my covers, and I tried shaking it off, then I came properly awake and realized I had been dreaming with my eyes open, so it was like the best special effect ever. So worth a moment of terror. (Also I usually like arthropods, so not sure where that dream came from).

    Poulet Frit

    According to my sister. It happened. And I like…bent in half backwards, flopped my top half against the wall, and started typing on the wall as if it was a keypad. And I was spouting off random numbers and said that I didn’t know and I was getting upset and frustrated and then gave her the number. It took 5 min for her to get it out of me
    I only remember typing on the wall and telling her the number. (I type to remember things typically in the air)

    Manalive Smith

    Sounds like fun??

    Poulet Frit

    …apparently when I’m asleep I can bend in half backwards and my sister wasn’t even concerned. She was just like “…tell me this number”

    Poulet Frit

    I enjoy nightmares. But im….special


    #thatmomentwhen I am also getting hungry

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen you’re too tired to read Eyewitness to Power OR Citizen of the Galaxy. #sad

    Awkward Potato

    ##thatmomentwhen you pop your back and it feels heavenly

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen you say “Mmhmm!”

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen you desperately need something other than Semi-Automatic stuck in your head because it’s been bouncing around in there for about five straight hours.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen Carrot disappears.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen Carrot apologizes to Potato for leaving her all alone.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen Carrot desperately hopes Potato doesn’t start singing Hollyn.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen Carrot ACTUALLY disappears. G’night.

    Awkward Potato

    ##thatmomentwhen you would try to help Carrot by getting a different song stuck in his head, but apparently he left.

    Awkward Potato

    #thatmomentwhen I probably would’ve started singing t if I’d seen the post before I posted. Also, I didn’t mean to do two hashtags.

    Awkward Potato



    #thatmomentwhen U send in a relationship question…

    Poulet Frit

    #thatmomentwhen carrot had tøp stuck in his head. We’ve succeeded, mason!!!

    Awkward Potato

    #thatmomentwhen you question why Kristen is still awake and also realize you should get to sleep too since you were up at 5:15.

    Poulet Frit

    #thatmomentwhen your friend won’t stop texting you, and you watched a show about daredevils, and it’s friday.
    515?? Gosh! I got to sleep in until 7 today (I worked closing today, so I could sleep a little more)

    Awkward Potato

    #thatmomentwhen you nod in understanding.
    The reason I was up so early was that I got to go on a job shadow today, but normally I would probably be up later than this.

    Poulet Frit

    #thatmomentwhen it’s 11pm here. My internal clock says that 7pm is bed time, yet I can usually push it until 9 or 10. And I had work today so my eyes are like half open…I should really go to sleep.
    Have a good night, potato

    Manalive Smith

    #thatmomentwhen You ask Awkward what job are you shadowing people for?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    #thatmomentwhen you are annoyed that you woke up at 8:00.

    Poulet Frit

    #thatmomentwhen your brain got excited and woke you up at 645

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