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  • #35787

    Someone else has to do the echo to everything though.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    So do we wish to have any segments other than Kristen’s Questions, or is that all? It would definitely be fun to put together a snippet of the Once Upon a Time thread, if possible.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Everybody records themselves saying “everything” and you stick them on top of each other?

    Jeff Ross

    I’m looking forward to this project coming together, whether we end up needing my clips or not. (Or editing in parts of them.) It was a fun test to record & edit the clips since my knowledge of my microphone & Audacity is constantly improving.

    As for the “Everything” echo in my clip, I was able to make it sound different enough from my normal speech in the recording that it comes across as a good parody. That being said, it would be cool in the ideal script to have many people saying “Everything”.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Mass “coming up in this episode” and “this week on the Aux Cable” would also be entertaining.

    Jeff Ross

    Where we all have high pitched voices? That might be hard to pull off en masse…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Ah, well some of us may have to stay low, or else our mics will spike very very badly.

    Masøn M.

    I would stay deep, I’d like everyone to keep their hearing…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick



    I like Josiah’s idea of everyone saying everything. Maybe ‘Once Upon A Time’ can be the advertisement.

    Poulet Frit

    Give me…24 hours.

    I’ll have those questions.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Heh, thanks, I try. Oh, that’s a good thought…
    Excellent, thanks Kristen!

    Poulet Frit

    Where do I put the questions? Here? The email?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Ah… good question. Maybe here so that we all have access to them?


    Here are the ideas for segments, if case we want more.

    Masøn quotes Twenty One Pilots – Josiah
    Josiah corrects grammar – Franklin
    Word Association: Live! – Masøn
    Brooke talks about Phineas and Ferb – Awkward
    Dramatic Preview of ‘Once Upon a Time’ – Masøn
    Jeff’s Infatuation Station commercial – Awkward
    Kristen and Josiah have an Epic Rap Battle – Masøn
    Josiah corrects people’s grammar throughout – Josiah
    Song parody – Josiah
    Masøn plays the Uke – Masøn

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Hmm… all of those are good options, but some of them I’m really not sure how they would work in the context of the other segments.

    Masøn M.

    If I did the TOP quotes it would be fun to read them like slam poetry, since that’s how most of the rap verses are written…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Wait, what is Slam Poetry? I’ve heard of it, but I’m not really sure what it is…

    Jeff Ross

    Slam poetry is poetry read with all of the emotion, cadence, and gusto of a performer rather than a Literature teacher.

    That being said, the coolest kind of slam poetry to watch is deaf slam poetry. Not that we could incorporate that into a podcast.

    Jeff Ross

    (Here is an example)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Ah. So something I would be terrible at.


    Just for the record, the email isn’t set up yet.

    Jeff Ross

    Well, maybe the sign language version, but normal slam poetry just takes practice and pacing.

    Jeff Ross

    Thanks, Franklin. Please let know when it is set up (or however we decide to submit audio files).

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Haha true.

    Masøn M.

    Well, I am taking ASL as my foreign language, funny enough…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Hahahaha that’s amusing. Now that I’ve been educated, yes, you should do slam TOP.

    Jeff Ross

    Cool. I actually only have exposure to deaf poetry through Deutsche Gebärdensprache. I’m learning German as a hobby, and Ryan suggested that sign language can help with understanding communication, so I decided to incorporate a little of it into my German learning. Here is a video about a deaf poetry slam in German. Even if you don’t understand German, visually you can understand a good deal in this video:

    Masøn M.

    Also that video was amazing, wow… I love that…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Ooh, I’ll have to watch that tomorrow, since I know some German.

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