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  • #34606


    Awkward Potato

    I miss the days when we actually had conversations that were more than a post or two…

    Masøn M.

    I agree. We need some kind of revival.

    Masøn M.

    Perhaps the secret would just be a new episode of the show… Not hatin’, just sayin’…

    Awkward Potato

    I mean, that’s not untrue…hint hint Ryan and Matthew because you totally still read this…

    Masøn M.


    Jeff Ross

    Surely someone could send a message to Ryan, Matthew, and Angie that says “All I Want for Christmas is a New Aux Cable Episode”. That might help them to release a new one.

    As for conversations, it will pick up once the Christmas break arrives and more people have time to chat.

    Masøn M.

    It would also be hilarious if they released an episode on the Not-Forum anniversary of them reading some posts on random threads. And seeing how they respond to, you know, our underwater basket weaving club…


    Maybe a full song of “All I Want for Christmas is a New Aux Cable Episode” is in order….

    Awkward Potato

    Yeah, you’re probably right, Jeff. And YES Mason and YES Dawn both of those things would be amazing!! If I get time maybe I can write it…or I suppose we could all contribute and just write it on here. That could be fun

    Masøn M.

    It’s been nearly 3 months since the last episode… Almost 3x as long as their last hiatus, from June 27th – September 1st.

    Jeff Ross

    Ummm….Masøn, you might want to check your math. 6/17 to 8/17 is two months exactly (plus two weeks to get to 9/1) and 9/1 to 12/1 is three months exactly. Last time I checked, 3 months is not “almost” 3x as long as 2.5 months. It is longer, but we’d be waiting till about mid-April if the haitus turns out to be 3x longer.

    Masøn M.

    I… yeah…

    Masøn M.

    I may or may not have forgotten about August wHEEZE

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Heh, I was wondering about that.

    Awkward Potato

    That’s unelie that you forgot about August, Masøn. (But it’s okay. I honestly didn’t notice at first)

    Poulet Frit

    Is august really important?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    As much as any other month.

    Masøn M.

    My mom’s birthday is in August… So if August didn’t exist would I exist?… ?

    Awkward Potato

    As long as the day existed. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be called August. (Coincidentally, my mom’s birthday is also in August)

    Jeff Ross

    Due to popular demand, I did my best to produce a parody called “All I Want for Christmas is a New Aux Cable Episode”. Unfortunately, I didn’t know which song to parody, so I wrote parodies to both “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth” and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. They are now posted in the “AUX Cable: The Musical” Thread. Check them out and let me know what you think. We can always make some edits and submit it to Matthew, Ryan, and Angie (who might have kidnapped them or something) to make our desire for a new episode by Christmas known.

    Poulet Frit

    Ryan said in a chat I’m a part of that episodes should be coming out again starting soon.

    (July and August used to not exist. We only had 10 months in a year…that’s why September used to be the 7th month…and October was the 8th. But then Julius Caesar wanted a month named after him and one after his nephew Augustus…I may have mixed the two up, but you get my point. Your mom’s would have still been born, just like I would’ve…but in a different month)

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Upon inquiry, Ryan said to me that at the moment there is nothing in the works for a holiday episode.

    Poulet Frit

    Dang it.
    There should be.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    *shrugs* They’re busy.


    We’ll have to step up to the plate.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick


    Masøn M.

    Aux Cable Holiday Special: Fan Edition

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    “I’m down,” as all the cool kids say when they mean they’re up for it. Because that makes sense.


    We would need segments. One can be called Questions with Kristen, were Kristen asks questions, but doesn’t give any answers.

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