Out of Curiosity

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    Poulet Frit

    You are telling me!!! I have to look words up in the dictionary because of you

    Poulet Frit

    My vocabulary isn’t terrible, but I can’t english. I like math and numbers and words confuse me

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I presume you have seen the Studio C and Matthias sketch “Triggered by Buzzwords?”

    Poulet Frit

    Yes, yes I have

    Poulet Frit

    At work it’s terrible, because my brain works so fast, and my mouth does not. So instead of saying “have you been a victim of identity theft” I say “have you identity theft” and then I have to laugh and apologize and say that I didn’t have coffee even though I had 3 cups!!

    Poulet Frit

    Honestly, I think, and this applies to everything, from homosexuality to tattoos to being rude to having children out of wedlock to racism etc
    People need to stop throwing the Bible in people’s faces (particularly nonbelievers) because that won’t make them change their ways. But instead, take the verse that says “love your neighbor” and apply it to their own lives. People are judgy and it’s wrong. I know gay people, I know people that are pregnant out of wedlock, and I don’t treat them any different from anyone else. There would be a lot less fighting in this world, if people responded out of love. Now that is hard to do, trust me.
    We don’t have to support it, in fact we shouldn’t, I dont. But I believe we are called to respond with love. People aren’t going to see the errors of their ways by being told why they are going to rot away.
    I think that is where churches and Christians today are failing. That is what we, as the good influences we are called to be, need to work on. (In general, not directed towards anybody at all. I have just been thinking, feel free to disagree with me this is just my opinion)

    Poulet Frit

    It’s hard not to judge others. I do it too often.
    Everyone has something they need to work on, but I think the church in general needs to respond with love instead of what the church in general has been doing.
    This is one of the very few things that erks (I swear that’s a word) me about the church today.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I agree.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    It’s a word, but it’s spelled with an I, not an E.

    Poulet Frit

    I knew it!!! I originally spelled it “irks” but it looked wrong

    Poulet Frit

    Carrot, are you going to become a pastor like you father? (You probably get that a lot)

    Masøn M.

    Another question is what time frame did they say they would be posting the podcast from now on?.. Cause I’m just patiently waiting… So patiently… Super patient…

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Actually Kristen, I don’t recall ever being asked that. The answer would be I’m not really sure what I’m doing, but likely not that.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Mason, there is now an Episode 021 thread.

    Poulet Frit

    You are both wise beyond your years (though I can only guess at your ages)

    Brooke AC

    currently go to a Baptist church, and we have a pretty large variety of people. Some are dressed nicer, most are casual. We have a lot of the K-Love type songs, but we’ll do hymns as well, and there’s a traditional service with all hymns. I’d say I’m nondenominational, but I just want to read the Word of God, gain an understanding of it, and let God use me for His will. The last church I went to was nondenominational, and I really miss it, not to say I don’t love my current church. From my experience at Baptist churches, they’re the ones who use lights and slides and all that, and they have topical messages. The nondenominational didn’t really have anything flashy, and the messages were passages right from the Bible, explained in the context of its time, with other verses to back it up, and it was very clear along the way how it could relate to today. That’s not a super great explanation, but it was very different than any other church I have been to.
    This is kind of a different topic, but I understand the biggest reason we have denominations is to prevent division in the Church. Sometimes, though, it feels too divided, and that turns some people off from believing Christians. We need to love those outside our church, and we certainly need to love those outside the Church as well.

    Brooke AC

    (There was supposed to be an “I” before that)

    Poulet Frit

    I loved my nondenominational church in Texas. Since moving here…it’s been hard to find a church that makes it feel good to go every Sunday. The church we currently go to (on occasion because stuff is going on) is always packed…it’s hard to breathe with that many bodies beside you.
    But that doesn’t stop any of us from reading the Bible or attending a Bible study. I agree whole heartedly that I just want to understand the Bible and have God use me wherever He sees fit (and honestly I think I have known where that will be since I was 5).
    The church is divided. It’s making us argue between ourselves and those outside of the church. Hopefully, we can be in unity again soon. So we can work on not fighting with each other, but instead working together to bring the Good News to those who need it.

    Poulet Frit

    Look, I will be the first to admit that I don’t go to church every Sunday…or even most Sundays. Our current church is very crowded and it’s hard to find the time and energy to leave the house after all of us have working 5-6 days a week. Typically Sundays are the only day that everyone has off, and we tend to spend it together rather than at church…
    We still talk about the Bible and stuff at home. God is in our lives everyday, it’s just hard to go to a church, when you know you don’t get anything from the messages. I don’t feel like this church is helping me grow…I am growing more on my own, than I am attending service.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I don’t speak for all Baptists, but at least at my church, the preaching tends to be more exegetical (from passages and stuff) as opposed to topical, and we also have slides as opposed to flashy stuff. However, I don’t attend other churches as often, so I’m not as learned about these things as you guys. I’ve never been to a mega church, or anywhere where there was flashy stuff. I would say that it’s obviously good to have a home church with a church family that supports you and good preaching, but if you simply can’t find it, and you’re getting that support and teaching elsewhere, it’s not really a problem.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I agree that it’s definitely good for Christians of all denominations to get along, and as I stated earlier, some of my best friends are Presbyterian or Anglican. However, no matter what you do, there’s going to be doctrinal differences and different schools of thought among pretty much anybody, and sometimes it’s better for there to be separations so as not to create animosity. I think when there are different denominations the Christians in the different denominations sometimes understand their differences in doctrine/interpretation of scripture better, and accept that there are differences. Sometimes people that are in the same denomination butt heads more because they think that their view of a subject should be the view of the denomination, and the other person has a different view so obviously they should be somewhere else. However, that’s not all encompassing and often being a part of a good church family that cares for each is more important then necessarily agreeing on everything. There have been both Calvinists and Arminians that have attended my church, but we all still usually get along. However, if the pastor is teaching things that you don’t believe in/you don’t agree with, and those are really important issues, that’s obviously an issue, and maybe you should find a different church. Basically you have to find a good balance between being somewhere that you fit in, and being somewhere that has sound Biblical teaching.

    Poulet Frit

    Yeah. I understand. I have had good, normal conversations with atheists as well as all other religions (Muslim, catholic, etc). We didn’t necessarily talk about God, because I find it awkward to try to bring Him into a conversation with someone I just met, but instead I listen to them and offer my opinion on current things going on in politics and society. They generally all say the same thing, typically along the lines of “you’re so nice. You’re a Christian but you’re not forcing the Bible on me”…stuff like that. I find it hard to bring God into conversations with people I don’t know very well, but I can certainly show His love for them through my actions. That’s basically how I go about life.


    1) Despise was maybe too strong a word. Basically what I meant was that mission trips are fantastic as long as the missions part is why you’re going. I totally agree God will reach a student in a different land but so often I’ve seen the message be more “I’m so lucky to have so much; I’m so glad I can help this poor person!” More than ” I am leaving my home and comfort zone to go and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by giving time and effort to help someone else”. It’s the first one that goes with fists closed that I don’t like. The second is more likely to go with hands open and say “use me”.

    2) My church was originally first baptist and then we changed the name to a more generic “welcoming” name. It’s funny going places and needing to say “no we are the ones from the other town”.


    3) sorry I’m late answering ?

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Okay, so it’s the motivation behind the hypothetical trip as opposed to the trip itself. That makes more sense!

    Poulet Frit

    Angie, you make good points, I too have seen people say things like “I’m so happy I could help this poor family because I’m so generous, what did YOU do during the summer?”


    Exactly!! I’ve only been on one foreign trip and I can remember that it was that feeling with quite a few of us. We got asked a lot of “how did this trip impact you?” when we got back and I think even that question is self serving. A missions trip isn’t supposed to be primarily about impacting yourself in some way; it’s supposed to be about impacting the Kingdom and those the Holy Spirit sent you to be with during that time.

    Poulet Frit

    I wish I could say “oh it’s only the teens who are like that, just stop having teen mission trips, they aren’t mature enough” but it’s like that with adults too. Too many people go on mission trips for the wrong reason, to make themselves feel good

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Is it just me, or are Tortillas made by the company Mission really salty?

    Manalive Smith

    A missions trip is definitely meant to impact the students. Mainly in that it allows the leaders and the students to have more time with each other and shared experiences so that those relationships can improve. To some extent the leaders consider the students their mission field.
    Sometimes a mission trip has a huge positive impact, and other times you end up inconveniencing the very people you intended to help. I think the key thing is listening to what the people actually need. I’ve heard that “When Helping Hurts” is any excellent book on this topic, though I have yet to read it.

    Also I’m not sure about mission’s tortillas, but their tortilla chips are delicious.

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