Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda

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  • #2339
    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    It looks so stinking good… from the looks of it, it’s gonna be a non story-driven game with an incredible story… which is just awesome. Plus, some of the easter eggs, esp. the musical ones are just really cool.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick
    Masøn M.

    Even as someone who hasn’t played really any Zelda games, that’s super awesome

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Oh, and have I ever mentioned this?

    Masøn M.

    Lol, that’s great as well. It’s incredible what people can do with only the resources given to them!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    I know, right?

    Poulet Frit

    Wait…who is superchris? Why haven’t I found him on YouTube?? (Probably because I’m not creepy like carrot…no offense carrot)

    Poulet Frit

    The only Chris I can think of (because I see his name on YouTube a lot) is Chris McGowan (probably spelled that wrong) aka yours truly Chris.
    But then again, I don’t stalk YouTube comments often.

    Poulet Frit

    Carrot is extremely creepy. And I could be if I didn’t work. But, I do work. So can someone tell me who superchris is?

    Masøn M.

    Superchris is a person.

    Poulet Frit

    …wow, really? I thought he was superchrispybacon

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    *sniff* you think I’m creepy? …just kidding, I am creepy. I don’t even remember how I found superchris on Youtube… but I did.

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    This song/video…

    Poulet Frit

    A youtuber I watch got the game earlier and did a short video about it. It’s freaking beautiful, man

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    It looks so good…

    Poulet Frit

    Between the graphics and the fact that I can’t afford it and seeing how far the franchise has come, I think I teared up a little

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yeah, the price of Switch is slightly silly…

    Christopher Hager

    Ah man, you beat me to posting that video! I was watching it 4 o’clock in the morning last night on my phone and didn’t feel like getting out of bed 😛

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yeah, PBG is the best. It took me most of the video to realize that they were using the tune of the maine theme from BotW. When I did finally realize it I felt really stupid…

    Poulet Frit

    Superchris….you changed your name.
    *immediately goes on YouTube and searches Christopher Hager*

    Christopher Hager

    My username on YouTube is Super Chris. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClEqrWmsDPIB2ppa88XvDSg Not much good content there. Its really there just for fun and experimentation.

    Christopher Hager

    Woah, that was weird spacing

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Yeah, that was strange…

    Christopher Hager

    Wait, I changed my name!?! I got to fix that

    Poulet Frit

    Cool, I subbed so I remember to binge watch later…cuz I forget a lot of things.
    Like right now I’m supposed to be making memes…I forgot until just now.
    I also procrastinate. So I will make memes later

    Poulet Frit

    Now if only carrot would give out his last name so I can go stalk the 25th page of Google results

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Are you trying to rival me in memery, Kristen?

    Poulet Frit

    Yes, and the one that I made so far, is beautiful. Though, mine will probably be mean. Plus, I’m stalking their fb for the most incriminating pictures. Mwahahaha!!!!

    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Actually it’s the 25th result. Probably like page 3. Also, that will only show you what I looked like when I was five.

    Poulet Frit

    Awwww baby carrot?? I love little kids so…

Viewing 30 posts - 151 through 180 (of 962 total)

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