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No, you’re good, Chris… I’m not too worried about spoilers, and I also looked it up just to confirm that the clan was the red and black upside-down Shiekah eye dudes… and accidentally found out who they actually are. But whatevs. Yeah, Switch is a little overpriced, but who cares? A slightly lousy price isn’t a good reason for saying that a console is terrible. In my opinion, reviews should be based more on hardware and functionality than price or software.
We’re almost to 700 posts on this thread!
Dude, we’re almost at 4,000 for the entire website. Well, we got less than 200 to go I mean.
And yeah, I can’t get a gameboy advance without paying an arm and a leg for it and games! They need to rerelease it…so I can buy a new one. And the games can not be $50+ each
You can play GBA games on DS Lite.
…but I want a gameboy advance…so I can have nostalgia. First game I ever played was zelda on there.
PUN BATTLE RETURNS! 5 minutes ago!
I would do the same for a N64. I watched my parents play and beat Ocarina of Time on it. (My mom told me the other day that’s why she figures I’m a big Zelda fan. And I’ve been saying that to others for years)
I have realized that I can never pun that much.
Buuut, Chris Howard gave me permission to stalk ryan, which means, that I am now doing it with permission. Tho, during the first pun battle, when ryan said “not as corny as when people stalk you”, I took that as I can stalk him, i would just be corny
Stalk, lol! Good one.
Also unrelated too, but just saw Jordan Taylor from Blimey Cow is trending on YouTube.
Just don’t get lost in the Maize of his puns Kristen!
…don’t be corny.
How does Ryan come up with things so fast???
And is he left handed? He was wearing his watch on his right arm, which is typically done by left handed people. (I wear my watch on my right arm even though I’m right handed, because I don’t like anything on my left arm)
And Ryan wasn’t wearing a bowtie…
(I’m much better at coming up with puns irl)
Hmm. I don’t know. I guess we should watch his past videos to see if we can deduce it. Or we can ask in Aux Cable.
And I take “Don’t be corny” as a complement. Shucks.
I’m better on the internet.
Internet is my weakness when it comes to puns.
Wheat might need to ask into acs
I will beet back in about 10-15 min
Okie doke. It’ll just be me and you Carrot!
I’m back. I don’t have a pun
My voice is kind of husky, but at least you guys can’t tell…
My voice is annoying. I’m annoying. But yall know I’m annoying.
It was a pun…
I don’t get it
Corn husk.
Oh oh o’reilly… auto parts. Ow!
YES!! we sing that every time it comes on. So glad I ain’t alone
Haha, yup. They play it all the time during Red Sox games…
At our local minor league baseball stadium. Whenever a ball flies out of the stadium “safe light repair safe light replace” plays
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