Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda

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    Poulet Frit

    You said you would be gathered around the TV all day sat, and my first thought was “…it’s not college football season”


    Exactly! Be hard to have me time!

    Poulet Frit

    Me time is hard to come by. Either im working, or doing chores, or cleaning my room so my cat can come home (may 1st!!!!), or having family time. This hour before I get ready for work…this is my me time.
    (I had a dream that my kitty was home and I was petting him….and my dreams are hyperrealistic…and when I woke up I got sad because he’s not home)

    Poulet Frit

    When he comes home, I will be able to have more me time. Because I can lock myself in my room and say that it’s because I need to love on my cat so he doesn’t get depressed and he can’t leave my room because my sister is allergic and one of our dogs (she’s a french mastiff. So she’s huge and easily 120lbs) is a spaz. And she thinks she’s tiny…so…I’m sure she would do fine…but the cat might attack her…


    Why isn’t your cat home? (My dreams are very five senses sensitive, even if the logic of what’s going on doesn’t make sense)

    Poulet Frit

    I can FEEL the wind and temperature change and it’s creepy. Especially nightmares. I can feel people when they hug me in my dream or slap me or whatever.

    He was born Feb 19th, so he’s still really tiny and I cannot bring him home until may 1st. He’s a hairless cat whose name is going to be Baldamort…imma call him baldy. He doesn’t even have his colors yet…but he should soon. And when he’s 4 weeks old (March 19th) I can go visit him and love on him and put down my deposit for him so there is a 100% chance he is coming home with me because dibs can only hold for so long

    Poulet Frit

    I am going to apologize ahead of time for what is gonna come out of my…thumbs? Brain? I’m not really speaking but…sorry ahead of time.

    AHHHHHHHH!!!! okokokokok…so the breeder messaged my mom with pictures. The kittens’ colors haven’t come in completely yet, but she definitely has one white male with blue eyes. So I said yes. I sign the contract later today. He is 100% mine.
    Google “white sphynx with blue eyes” and that’s how he looks. Baldamort *middle name tbd* *my last name* will be home may 1st, and he is mine.
    (I’m smiling like a moron!!!)


    You weren’t kidding about the being bald part! Baldamort is perfect.

    Poulet Frit

    Yesss!!!! I just need a middle name for him…

    Poulet Frit

    He’s so ugly and wrinkly…it’s cute. I’m gonna call him Baldy…because I’m a jerk.


    At least Baldy makes sense. My cat is named Cali but I make it more complicated with more syllables in my nickname “Pretty Kitty”.

    Poulet Frit

    Lol. I dislike cats typically. Because they are rude….and I’m slightly allergic. But hairless cats rely on humans for warmth (they can’t regulate their body temperature so they are super snuggly) and they are just so sweet!! And they are so ugly it’s cute.
    Also they do have some fur, but it’s more like a layer of down. So they feel like velvet

    Poulet Frit

    (…they are expensive though…)


    I was thinking it would be good to have a “hairless” cat cause my mom and sister have developed a minor allergy. They can’t pet my cat. And yes, my cat has some sass. For a long time I was the only one allowed to pet her. She’s funny that she won’t come to be pet often but will just sit nearby and purr.

    Poulet Frit

    Hairless cats still produce dander, just typically less of it. My problem with cats is with cats that shed a lot. We had a short haired cat for almost 2 years, and it didn’t cause me problems, but when I petsit other’s cats…I can’t breathe for a week.

    Poulet Frit

    And I have (pretty bad) allergies 3/4ths out of the year, so baldy’s minor dander won’t bother me more than trees and flowers and everything else. (I’m feeling my allergies today) pretty bad as in, it looks like I’m constantly crying and I feel like a truck hit me in the face.


    Yep. That’s pretty much how it at my house. Ours is pretty short-haired but sheds like crazy.

    Poulet Frit

    Bambinos are another breed of hairless cats (typically 50% to 100% more than sphynx), they are basically munchkin sphynxes. I don’t like them as much. Though they are super ugly (which makes them cute) just like sphynxes

    Poulet Frit

    I am going to make Baldy an ACS shirt for when he gets home…so be on the lookout for that after may 1st πŸ˜€ I can’t stop smiling. My coworker looked at me and said “the cat?” And I then showed her the new picture and told her that he’s 100% mine.

    Poulet Frit

    What’s your game plan for tonight, Chris?


    Debating. UPS is estimating I get the Switch and Zelda tomorrow. (Maybe since the Gamestop distribution center my package is coming from is only two and a half hours away its not going to take Two Days) But I have yet to get notified Gamestop has taken the package to the UPS. Right now its only a label with a tracking number.


    Otherwise wait in line at my local Gamestop, and if I don’t get it, head to Walmart next door. If I don’t get it there head to Target early in the morning. But it all depends on where my system I pre ordered is in the shipping process tonight.


    The shirt will keep Baldy warm!

    Poulet Frit

    (And baldy and I would have matching shirts….I sound like an annoying girl)

    That sounds like a good plan, hopefully something works out. Sounds like you may be in for a heck of a night though.


    Yep! Already told Wendy’s I’m not coming in tonight when they asked if I could a few minutes ago. Already closed 3 nights this week and closing tomorrow. No, I need to ensure I have a system for the weekend πŸ™‚

    Poulet Frit

    That’s extremely last minute, wendys. Don’t they know there are more important in this world than a job??
    …our priorities are questionable

    Poulet Frit

    More important things**


    Can’t be helped when two people call off. They have to find someone or the closers that are there will be there all night. πŸ™

    Poulet Frit

    Aww poor wendys. That stinks.


    Yep. Been there done that, it ain’t fun. And I’m only running on an hour of sleep. But depending on how tonight goes, I might stop in to help finish it up since GameStop is right across the street.

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