Discuss new movies (or even old movies, I don’t care. We’ll probably end up talking about chapstick anyway) that were terrible, dumb, lame, or boring… And make fun of them… Basically, this is the Kevin’s Movienight thread… Also, you can post stuff related to the movies, which I am about to do…
I felt like Rogue One got pretty sketchy plot-wise through the middle, (We’re assassinating the engineer behind the Death Star once it’s fully operational? Why didn’t we do that earlier? Even if what’s her face is lying about the message, why not kidnap the engineer and see if he has any useful information?) but I really like the blind guy and it had a strong enough ending that it left a good taste in my mouth.
It has a story and purpose. It’s based off a true story, but it was not translated into the movie well at all.
Very sad.
I’ve seen it like 100 times.
Don’t judge me