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Reply To: Books? Youtubers? Music? Llamas?

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Brooke AC

Ok, so I finally had time to read back through everything! Kristen and Carrot(‘s brother technically), it’s cool y’all like guitar and have such great collections! My dad teaches, and my little brother plays (but I can’t). Carrot was right, I’m an INFJ. It’s crazy how many INFJs I know of through the internet, since we’re supposed to be the rarest type. There should totally be merch, though! For Youtubers, it’s preeety much the same group! I also like Rosanna Pansino and, same as Mason, the Rhett and Link channels, Theodd1sout. Y’all listed a good few to check out, though! And thanks about hoping I’d finish my schoolwork!

The Aux Cable