Breaking: the first time I saw the house of gold music video, I think I actually cried. It was the first time I understood what they are.
You see, I was one of those, I only liked stressed out and didn’t like any of the other songs. My sister was a die hard tøp fan since we first heard them. So sue blared it often.
I dislike loud music a lot, and found them to be “emo” (which I also dislike). But one day, for some strange reason, I downloaded all the songs available on amazon prime music. I started at Blurryface, it was cool. I watched the music videos for a few videos, and stumbled upon house of gold. After watching the video, everything made sense about them. How their songs have such deep meaning, and I was only on the surface.
I spent the next few days just sitting in a dark room and listening to the songs…only truly hearing the lyrics for the first time. It was emotional. Tyjo screaming in Goner. Ode to sleep. It just all hit me like a truck.
Now, I am not an emotional person. I don’t cry in front of others, it makes me feel weak. I don’t cry much at all, I just don’t like it. But oh did I cry.
Then, I listened to their self titled album. It made me hooked on them. Its my favorite album by far, much more the type of music I like (although I love everything they make)…it’s much more…me.
Ok, done going off about the smol beans. Ignore any grammar mistakes or anything.