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Home Forums The NOT-Forum Legend of Zelda Reply To: Legend of Zelda

Poulet Frit

I would never judge you…although, they were pretty great.
Unfortunately for me, I HAVE to look professional, but I have been trying to find all the loopholes in the dress code. Like I wore a cape to work last week. Because no where in the dress code does it say I can’t wear one…although nobody came in…and neither did the manager…so it was somewhat pointless.
And I wore a dress without tights (cuz it was hot) and my manager was like “yeah that’s fine just cover your tattoos with makeup” and I looked at her and with the most sassy voice I could I said “dress code says that I only need to cover inappropriate or offensive tattoos. Ain’t nothing offensive about eeyore” and then I turned and walked away as she laughed at my sassy attitude. My mom (works for the same company) was standing there…I could’ve gotten fired for that. Good thing my (main) manager loves me

The Aux Cable