Reply To: Out of Curiosity

Reply To: Out of Curiosity

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Poulet Frit

Honestly, I think, and this applies to everything, from homosexuality to tattoos to being rude to having children out of wedlock to racism etc
People need to stop throwing the Bible in people’s faces (particularly nonbelievers) because that won’t make them change their ways. But instead, take the verse that says “love your neighbor” and apply it to their own lives. People are judgy and it’s wrong. I know gay people, I know people that are pregnant out of wedlock, and I don’t treat them any different from anyone else. There would be a lot less fighting in this world, if people responded out of love. Now that is hard to do, trust me.
We don’t have to support it, in fact we shouldn’t, I dont. But I believe we are called to respond with love. People aren’t going to see the errors of their ways by being told why they are going to rot away.
I think that is where churches and Christians today are failing. That is what we, as the good influences we are called to be, need to work on. (In general, not directed towards anybody at all. I have just been thinking, feel free to disagree with me this is just my opinion)

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