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Poulet Frit

A) but that means they are going to be 2 time zones away from me and carrot. Although I am willing to travel.
b) I think grabbing them one at a time will be easier, but with two teams. A few days apart. Team Alpha would be carrot and I, and we would get Ryan. Team Beta would be mason and…maybe olive, maybe someone else. And they would nab Matthew.
C) maybe uber, maybe a parent, because I don’t have enough longboards for everyone to ride, although I would fly to west coast and back probably.
d) Matthew needs to learn to beware of strangers. As for Ryan, he will be pretty simple. I think we should just be like “guys, let’s go to Disneyland” and while they are there and suspect nothing, that’s when we hit them over the head (after dinner, before dessert, so I can have their dessert), and then we sneak them onto a plane and fly them back to my house. (I say my house, because my parents would be cool with it). I could probably just tell Ryan “you are being kidnapped, get in the car please” and he’d be OK with it…I worry about them both though

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