032: Breakfast Cereals, Website Builders, and Applying for Jobs

032: Breakfast Cereals, Website Builders, and Applying for Jobs

How can you setup a website for free? How do you go about applying for a job when you don’t have much experience? Ryan and Matthew discuss these questions! But first, we have a very important subject to cover. Breakfast cereals! Find out what kind of cereals we would create!

Question of the Week

You look like a creative person! What kind of breakfast cereal would you create? Let us know by commenting on our website or tweeting at us with #AuxCableCereal.



As we mentioned in this episode, we want your feedback! So we created a nifty survey that we’d like you to fill out. We basically want to gather information about you, our listener, and especially collect feedback on how we’re doing. Consider it our performance review, and you are the reviewer! When you fill out the survey, you can also enter our giveaway! We’re giving away an Amazon or Google Play gift card and a 30-minute video call with Ryan and Matthew. What are you waiting for? Complete the survey! Pretty please?

Have something on your mind? Send us your questions and we’ll try to help!

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Special thanks to Gabe Miller for our intro and outro music.

News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


  1. “Today’s the 17th when you’re listening to it on the regular Aux Cable thing.”

          1. I feel like I missed something, but I have no clue what in the world I missed.

  2. “You gotta apply yourself more, Matthew.”
    I appreciate your passed-over puns, Ryan.

    1. Same. But I heard it in the unedited form…so I’ll just go do the survey for now.

    1. Yanno, I used to put peanut butter in with my Honey-Nut Cheerios! It was really good. But it would be interesting to have mini sandwiches as a cereal. I’ll have to try this!!

  3. Little Ceasars should come out with Matthew’s pizza cereal, then you can have the “pizza pizza” guy as your mascot XD

  4. I want cinnamon roll cereal, with like mini cinnamon rolls​floating in milk drizzled with Frosting and a shake of cinnamon.

      1. Cool! You’re still welcome in the Not-forum, we’re really not as creepy as we made it sound…

  5. Thanks for getting back to me! I decided not to take the job but I’ll save your tips for next time. 🙂
    Also, I’d like some super-rad cool kid extreme Corn Flakes so people wouldn’t think I’m boring for liking Corn Flakes.

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