Hmm, I summon thee, Carrot…
I honestly didn’t think it was that great, but, uhh, cool… I’ll never turn down epicness…
Uhh… Thanks?…
Yup… Very much so. Now I’m just in recovery mode, so hopefully I’m over the worst of it!
#thatmomentwhen you lose your 45 day daily reward streak in a game because you were sleeping and sick the day before and forgot to collect it… I’m really devastated, I’d never had a streak that long before ever…
Burger King can only have a Burger Prince if he marries Dairy Queen…
Perhaps he is taking a long, long nap… ?
Aren’t we all… Also, I’ll just say, don’t settle for hot peppers… Just don’t… There’s a much easier way to complete those two shrines in the snow…
GG!! Welcome to the club… Warning: BotW can result in bad sleep patterns, rage hair, the possibly looking things up on the wiki. Side effects include – Sleepiness, Sore Thumbs, Wondering if it was worth it, Watching all of the Indie games coming to the switch soon and realizing it definitely was worth it, Being cut off from society, and Possibly dreaming about the game… (That totally hasn’t happened to me… Nope…)
I’ve been up since 2:30 last night with the stomach flu… I’ve gotten about 3 hours of sleep, and I’m really struggling… We’re also supposed to drive for 6 hours back home tomorrow, so… Just pray for me and my sister, since she has it too…
XD Your brother’s a smart dude…
Lol, my sisters keep getting angry at me for not letting them play it, but I’m like, “I’m sorry, who purchased this and its games again?”… Works every time…
My guess is because the majority-ish of the people who are seeing the movie grew up in the 80s, and thus it feels more relatable, but my guess is it just took away from the story… Also, Finn Wolfhard keeps getting the 80’s kid roles for some reason…
Which game only has one save slot? Me and my two little sisters all have separate Zelda save slots and Mariokart save slots… You just have to create yourself a profile. You don’t even need to log in or anything, just basically put your Mii into a pose and bam, you have an account…
Dang… What even is the point of that much language, it doesn’t make sense to me…
Honestly, I wish I wasn’t scared so easily, cause I kinda really wanna see it… But I never will…
It’s funny cause it HAS become normal now… Or something…
#thatmomentwhen tide comes in a destroys your foundations so the whole thing begins slowly crumpling to the ground…
#thatmomentwhen you build the sickest sandcastle with your family with guidance from one of the dozen Master Sandcastle Builders in the world… Y’all it was awesome…
Same… But I only get about 1 good email every two days…
Lol… So basically, #thatmomentwhen you message the wrong person…