Home › Forums › The NOT-Forum › #thatmomentwhen (#3)
#aloethisdoesntreallyworkinahashtag Do you have Pinterest?
#aloepotatoIdonothavepinterest #aloepotatobecauseyouwereTOTALLYtalkingtome
#aloetotes #aloeDawnwehaveanAuxCableboardifyouwanttojoin #aloewemeaningmeBrookeandKristen
You know what? I’ll do it when I get back to my computer howzat?
#aloesoundsgoodDawn #aloeCarrotIthoughtyoudidnthavePinterest
#thatmomentwhen SOMEBODY should get on Facebook and look at the pictures of Samara that were sent to them
#thatmomentwhen you do something on the forum, and are trying to prepare yourself for backfire
Kristen, I am proud of you.
Awwwww! Thank you, brooke!
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