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My mom isn’t feeling well, and she threw up earlier…
I’m sorry to hear that, I hope it passes quickly.
She’s feeling better now. Must’ve just been a bug or something
We are all very happy that she’s better now. Thanks for the update! It’s good that we remember to pray prayers of thanksgiving in addition to prayers of petition/supplication.
…tomorrow I work 9am-9pm (or later).
It will be a very long day.
I will get yelled at and cussed at.
I need a lot of patience and coffee.
If you could pray for me if/when you think about me tomorrow, I would appreciate it so much.
Holy cow… Of course…
Thanks, man.
Tuesday is 4-9 (not too bad at all)
Wednesday is 2-9 (I can go home at 7 if we aren’t busy)
Thursday I’m off (but am doing thanksgiving dinner at 2 different houses)
Friday I babysit at 330am (someone needs to go black Friday shopping) and then go to a Christmas thing at night.
Yeah, definitely. You should probably go to bed early tonight
I’ll probably go to bed at 10…so I’m not up at 4
And thank you very much, potato.
In addition to praying for you, Kristen, do you want us to write quiet encouragements to counter the yelling and cussing? Or would yelling the encouragements be more effective?
You can yell them or write them. I’m used to being yelled and cussed at. To the point that I’m not even phased by them.
I did 16.5 hours of work in 11 (I’ve been cleaning since 8)
One person cried. Two people were short with me. And a few acted like know it alls. Nobody yelled or cussed me out.
….I need chcolate. My blood sugar is low…I’m very shaky
I found out that I will be moving in the middle of next year. My boyfriend doesn’t like this news…I however will only be 6 hours from Disney world…so I am happy with this news.
If yall don’t mind praying that we can find a place to live down there and that my boyfriend finds peace with the situation, I would appreciate it
Will do.
Ouch. I know how it is to move… Far. Very very far.
I do it every 4ish years…I’m totally used to it. Been from SC to VA to Texas to VA and now FL…I’m excited for FL.
Ken on the otherhand wishes there was a way I could stay…but I hate it here, so nah
Should we pray for Ken to move to FL too, or would that be a bad idea?
Doubtful. (That it would be a bad idea.)
Do you have a job lined up in FL? If so, what is it?
My mom, sister, and I all work for the same company. And they basically are required to hire us at an office down there.
You can pray for Ken to move too. I doubt he will…
I heard today that the fires in California are only 5% contained…and the Santa Ana winds aren’t helping. It’s pretty bad over there…
Excellent time to pray for them.
My throat is sore and I cannot afford to get sick. I have to work 4 days this week, go to Ken’s work’s Christmas party, go with the teens from church because they are getting Bibles, go ice skating with someone that hasn’t talked to me much this whole year…
…I can’t get sick.
Ken’s alternator is going out in his car.
My sister’s truck won’t start (it’s probably her alternator if I had to guess).
It’s been a week full of Mondays
Stressful stressful afternoon. Sad feelings and thinking about things that have happened this past year. Just emotionally tired and worn out. Need to remember to let go of my life and let God be in control because when I try to be in control I realize how little control I have. Just needing some prayer.
My fam and I are gonna be driving home tomorrow. Very early tomorrow. It’s about a 12 hour drive, but with restaurant stops and bathroom breaks, probably closer to 14-15 hours. Straight. We can all sleep in the car, but the same can’t be said about my dad. So just pray for our safety, especially driving early New Year’s Day when there are still possibly some drunks out, and that my dad wouldn’t fall asleep lol…
Ooh, yeah. We’ve done long trips over New Year’s about that long. Definitely praying.
So I forgot to post here, but my mom was having pain near where her liver is, and the doctor was concerned that her cancer came back (but in her liver or bones).
We got the news yesterday that it hasn’t and was probably scar tissue. CANCER FREE STILL!!!!! YAY!
But now I’m working open to close almost every day this month (I get some mornings off. Some evenings. And I get like 4 days off this whole month. I’m so lucky)
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