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cause you tweet a lot. And I tweet…close to never.
Also up till 1 working on recording music right now. Again.
…yeast. go to bed earlier.
1:00 am isn’t too bad. I would say 2:00 is pushing it.
I’m fine.
Owl City just released a Father’s day single. It’s really good.
Is it? I haven’t listened to it yet.
It’s not very.. owl City like. It’s not really electronic. But I really like it.
It reminds me a lot of Corduroy Road.
Corduroy Road is one of the best music scores!?
Country music is not the best, but some how Adam Young makes it shine!
I’m not sure that it can be defined as country per say, it’s definitely pretty folk influenced, though.
He said his next music project is going to be more personal, like about his life and family and such. I’m looking forward to it. The single isn’t showy, but it is sweet.
Hi Josiah.
I’m currently eating my lunch next to a clean room. It’s very orange, but I have to go to work soon.
Okeydokey. The room is orange, or the food is orange?
The room. Let’s talk about cats and my modifiers. I’m intentional misplacing them, so you can misinterpret what I’m saying.
There are no cats in the clean room.
Sorry, back to work. Talk to you later.
Of course there aren’t any cats there. Then the room wouldn’t be clean. Bye!
Well I’m intentionally misplacing the cats, so they could end up anywhere.
Stay away from the Hydroflouric acid and the Piranha solution little kitties and don’t forget to wear your hairnets.
Well I’m not often near little kitties, so I probably won’t have any issues with staying away from the Piranha solution little kitties.
Just so long as you’re wearing a hairnet and a beard net. I don’t care if you don’t have a beard we’re keeping this room clean.
If only I did have a beard… it runs in the family.
Having a beard or not having a beard?
Having a beard. Now I’M misplacing modifiers…
Do you think we could manage to have a conversation where every sentence contains a misplaced modifier?
Probably not, I spent a good five minutes trying to misplace something in that sentence and getting nowhere.
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