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Shall we bomb the Inner Tube?
Yall can, I probably won’t be able to until 8pm (after work and dinner)
Yep, I won’t be around till this evening, either.
I think kerffufling the inner tube as well as who would build the roads would be overdoing it.
I think we should kerfuffle the Inner Tube next week… When there is no WWBTR episode…
I completely agree with Mason.
I also think that on the episode we just kerfuffled we should all sign our names and then sign our TOPHAT ranks, like such
– Mason, [TOPHAT rank that I once again forgot my gosh]. TOPHAT, a product of the Aux Cable Community. Est. ’17
Attorney General… That’s right…
That would be cool
I have signed. We need to give Yeast a title.
…idk. you think of one
I have no clue director of foreign affairs? Is that a thing?
Secretary of Agriculture?
Alpaca lunch, and we can discuss the matter at Aux Con…
AuxCon is far away, though
I know, I just needed context for the pun.
Oh, ok. (I’m still sleep deprived and haven’t found my welcome)
We need to come up with a better name than Aux Con.
Idk. I’m working on an Aux Farm with Matt. Kinda. It’s up in the air right now…probably not gonna happen
An Aux Farm? You’re going to farm Auxen?
Probably. We were talking about goats and hairless cats and a few other “petting zoo” type animals
#11516 *brothers
Are you double checking the grammar on every thread? You are braver man than I.
No, I just happened to come across it.
Oh. Well then until we have further evidence let’s just assume that we are equally brave.
Probably a more accurate statement.
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