Reply To: Episode 023

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Home Forums The NOT-Forum Episode 023 Reply To: Episode 023

A fan named “Kristen”

Short and simple, yet it’ll be up there with one of my favorite episodes. Why? Because it only came out because we wouldn’t let it die. I think this is a huge step forward for us fans…and Ryan has said before, I believe on this very podcast, that a creator should always put out content when they say they will, even if it’s, in the creator’s mind, not perfect. Seeing him, on several occasions, actually taking his own advice, it makes me respect him a lot more. Because, honestly, if I were him, and I had to deal with me, or if I decided not to do an episode and the fans demanded it, I wouldn’t’ve made the episode. I wouldn’t have responded to me. I would’ve just said “nope, sorry” and move on.
He didn’t, we kept mentioning it, and he got it done. My respect from him, went up tremendously.

The Aux Cable