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Zach: Your statements show that you don’t quite understand that there are very intelligent people who think that states rights don’t actually benefit the people…. like literally most of the world’s republics. All the nations that have borrowed from our Constitution, states rights is something that has been unanimously left out because it’s foolish and inefficient. You assume that attacking states rights is hurting myself and others when in fact it benefits everyone. And I never have advocated for a one-world government, I believe that God created different nations for a reason. You have to understand, I’m not just pulling this out of nowhere, I start with Scripture and work from there. The nations serve as checks against each other and as refuge from the tyranny of certain nations. Your insults to my comprehension are not based on reality, nor are they an excuse to oversimplify and distort what I have repeatedly made clear. Nobody who has actually listened to what I say about government would make that “argument” about the punching me, because 1) they already know my solution, and 2) know I would be a lot more concerned if someone else was getting punched. God ordained government. If the government is going to mistreat me, I will bear it until I can escape it. If I cannot escape it, I will still bear it, because that’s what Scripture says to do. I will speak out against it, I will use every legal means to change the law, but in the end I will submit to the authority God places above me. And no, I do not harbor any delusions that a government of my design would fully agree with me any more than the current one does, however it would objectively be more efficient. Things would get done faster, issues of morality would be dealt with head on rather than sidestepped through gridlock, and obstructionism would be impossible. The national government would have the tools required to fulfill its divine mandate, which isn’t true in our system.