“You with the weird hair and the llama, do you want some rosemary?” To which Peter replied “uh, not really. Thanks tho.” When the herbwoman heard this she was…
Matt Smith is definitely my favorite…. I’ve given up recently because the plots have just felt weak.
Yup. Agreed.
And Mason is just a hot dog with noodle arms.
I’m assuming….kisses is a horse. Otherwise I’m very uncomfortable.
Healthy kid freak out is arguably one of the most beautiful things on the entire internet.
I stick my finger tips in candle wax all the time. it makes a little finger mold. it’s adorable.
I was gonna ask what manicure was but carrot beat me to it. Is it….a nail thing?
I loved doctor strange although most the ppl I know didn’t like it that much.
I thought the characters and plot of rogue one were pretty boring. And the movie overall was just unmemorable.
(mebbe she was only offering Mason a chalupa)
I didn’t like rogue one much either time I watched it. And I’m glad for you almost being done with school Mason!!! I’m clinging on to the couple weeks I have left before I start school again.
Tbh I’ve nvr had a chalupa sounds pretty great tho. I’ll go for steak….and idk how it’s gonna get here…..pixie dust or something.
I’ll probably see homecoming again in a week or so.
Also I feel like I haven’t talked to Mason in forever. #Iwantmasonback #whateverhappenedtomason #greatneck #noodlearms #tøp #tylerjoseph #joshspookyjimdun #masonisgreat
And as much as I despise baseball I’m happy for your sox
I’m here! But carrot probably isn’t anymore.
#thatmomentwhen your getting very sick of not playing piano or guitar.
*waits for Mason to appear*
I’d love to get vessel on vinyl and have tyjo and jishwa sign it. That’s the dream.
Yeah. I own that and a switchfoot/relient k poster they all signed. Those are the two things hanging on my wall.
I own a signed copy of fading west. I’m very #blessed